M-PESA Business Channels and Portals
At Safaricom M-PESA we value our beloved customers, which is why we are determined to come up with a variety of products and services that will meet their daily business needs.
To prove this, we have several channels that are presented to you as a business owner to use while transacting and accessing your business funds. Some of these channels include:
M-PESA Business App
The M-PESA Business App is a simple and convenient channel that allows business owners to transact easily, and better visualize their income.
All you need is to download the M-PESA Business App with the nominated numbers inserted in your handset/smartphone. You can download M-PESA App from the Google Play store for Android or the App Store for IOS.
All merchants with a business till can download, install, and start transacting using the M-PESA business App.
M-PESA for Business App allows business owners with the M-PESA Business Till to have better visibility of their payment collections and spending, see full statements, and transact directly from the app.
Find the M-PESA Business App guide here ( https://www.safaricom.co.ke/media-center-landing/frequently-asked-questions/m-pesa-business-app )
To Download the M-PESA Business App for Android click on this link M-PESA App for Android M-PESA Business App for Android
To Download the M-PESA Business App for IOS click on this link M-PESA App for IOS M-PESA Business App for IOS
USSD *234#
This is an alternative channel for businesses with PayBill and merchants with Tills to access funds in their business accounts with or without a smartphone.
Some of the services you can perform or access via USSD include.
- Check the account balance.
- Make payments Pay another business from the till – PayBill or Buy Goods and Make payments to Customers.
- Fund withdrawal
- Sell Airtime to the customer using collected funds and you earn a 5% commission.
- Accessing mini statements and many other services
M-PESA Portal (G2)
With the M-PESA portal, any business that uses M-PESA Services such as B2C or business to customers, B2B, Bulk Payments, and collecting funds using a shortcode can use this channel.
All businesses with an active shortcode (PayBill or a Till) and an active business administrator created by Safaricom can use M-PESA for the organization portal.
System accessibility is via the web. Safaricom will create a Business Administrator for the business and share with them their login credentials.
To log in to the M-PESA portal, launch the link from any of the browsers: https://org.ke.m-pesa.com and enter the required details in the provided fields.
The administrator will then create other system users and give them roles depending on what he wants them to do with the portal. These other roles include
- A Business Web Operator who can initiate transactions, access statements, and check balances.
- A Business manager who approves transactions, checks balances, and access statements.
- A Business Auditor- View Only/Ready Only rights
Business Payment Portal
The business payment portal is a platform created by Safaricom to help businesses and organizations in their payment processes. Transactions that can be done on this platform include B2B B2C and intra-transfer where you can move money within your shortcodes.
Any interested organization/business can be onboarded, and access services offered by the platform.
The portal is accessed via the web.
Launch the link from any of the browsers: https://pay.m-pesaforbusiness.co.ke/
Enter your Email Address
Enter Organisation Entity
Enter your password and Click continue
M-PESA Integration and APIs
API means Application Programming Interface.
To access API services, Developers and partners can access Daraja by login to https://developer.safaricom.co.ke/, creating an account, loading the App details, performing tests, and loading the app on production/integration.
Daraja is open to both individuals and companies who are interested in accessing M-PESA APIs.
Target Audience
M-PESA API targets Integrators & developers as they directly consume the APIs and Business owners for reconciliation of all values that come into their businesses.
Types of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
We have quite several APIs that you can access on our platform, they include:
- C2B- Customer to Business Payments (Confirmation and Validation)
- B2C- Business to Customer payments
- B2B- Business to Business payments
- Transaction query - Checking of transaction status and details.
- Account Balance- Checking of a Paybill organization’s account balance.
- Lipa Na M-PESA Online Payment API for customer payments through applications that allows transaction completion through M-PESA PIN
- Lipa Na M-PESA Online Query API - Checking of transaction query for the Lipa Na M-PESA Online.