Sim swap fraud

Fraudsters replace and take over the customer line.

Identity theft can be categorized into various sections, one of them being Sim Swap Fraud.

Fraudsters go to the extent of registering an existing number on a new SIM card in order to intercept notifications, one-time passwords, online banking profile and transactions as well as changing the account security settings.

To avoid this disastrous activity, it is key to ensure your SIM card has an active SIM lock, use strong passwords and keep personal information off social media.

Safaricom only calls from 0722000000

  1. The following are the verified Safaricom’s social media accounts
  2. Always looks out for the verification badges

There is no such thing as double registration. Don’t be conned or threatened by anyone instead report the number to 333.

Register your voice as your password. Never disclose your personal Information or PINS with anyone

  1. Do not follow instructions from unknown callers or fall for too good to be true stories.
  2. Always verify with your known contacts before sending money   

Do not share your personal details, call records and M-pesa details like balance with anyone who calls you.

Keep your personal information such ID number, date of birth, full names private.

Change your PIN immediately . Make sure your PIN is not easy to guess. Avoid using PINS such as year of birth.

Contact Safaricom as soon as you suspect your details or phone has been compromised.

Do not press any codes on your phone as directed by anyone allegedly from Safaricom. You could block your line or send money to a conman.

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