Terms and Conditions for the Data Plus Bundles Service

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The following terms and conditions apply to the Data Plus Bundles (“the Service”) and by purchasing the Data plus data bundles, you will be deemed to have read, understood and accepted the same: -

1.The Service

  1. This Service provides Data Plus data bundles which come with Free Google maps and a daily Insurance personal cover for Safaricom subscribers.
  2. The Britam daily insurance personal plan covers medical expenses arising from an accident, permanent disability and last expense.

2. Eligibility

The Data Plus product is open to all Safaricom Individual Pre-Pay and Post-pay subscribers.

3. Effective Date

This Service was launched at 0000hrs on 14th November 2022. These terms take effect on 5th April 2023.

4. How to purchase the Data Plus Bundles

  1. Dial *544#, or through the MySafaricomApp or www.safaricom.com/bundles.
  2. Select “Daily Bundles” then “Data Plus”.
  3. Select your preferred bundle.
  4. Pay using Airtime or M-PESA.
  5. Upon successful purchase of your preferred Data Plus bundle, you will receive the policy number for the insurance cover.
  6. The cover will be activated immediately and will be valid for twenty (24) hours starting midnight of the day of purchase.
  7. The Data Plus bundles will have a validity of 24 hours, but you have the option of auto renewing on a daily basis in addition to the one off..

5. Free Google Maps

You will receive 50MBs free data which can only be used to access the Free Google Maps. You will enjoy Free Google maps up to 100MB FUP.

6. Resources available

The following Data Plus bundles are available as highlighted in the table below:



Kshs. 25

Kshs. 55









Accidental Death






Accidental PTD











7. Britam Insurance Cover

(a) If you purchase the Data Plus bundle one off, you will be covered by the insurance policy for 24 hours starting midnight from the day of purchase. Thereafter the cover expires for one off products.
(b) The insurance cover will continuously be renewed and active if you select the auto renew option.
(c) You can purchase the Data Plus offer as many times in a day, but the insurance cover will only allow claims up to the limit based on the bundle selected and the related benefits.
(d) In the event of an accident, you can access health services in over 400 hospitals countrywide based on the one which is convenient and present your original national identity card. A list of hospitals is available on the Britam website. However, if you receive treatment outside the Britam panel, you will still be on the cover. After you pay your hospital bill, you proceed to submit a claim and get a reimbursement from Britam.
(e) You need to submit a claim within 14 days of the incident with all necessary documentation as listed in clause 7 (f) below.
(f) All valid claims will be paid out within five (5) working days with effect from the time the insurer receives all the required documents indicated below;

  1. Accident medical claim; Copy of ID of claimant, Hospital invoice/bill, Payment receipt, Discharge/Case summary and police abstract.
  2. Accidental death claim; Certified copy of Burial Permit/Death Certificate, Certified copy of ID card of the Deceased and Claimant, Filled Britam Mobile Money Form (overleaf), Hospital /Postmortem Report and Police report
  3. Permanent total disability claim; Copy of ID of claimant, Hospital invoice/bill, Payment receipt, discharge/case summary, police abstract and PTD claim form.

(g) Britam will process your claim and if successful, the reimbursed amount will be received in your M-PESA account.
(h) The policy is active for 24 hours. In the event of non-renewal of premiums after the 24 hours, all benefits shall lapse and become suspended.
(i) The daily insurance cover has the following Exclusions: pre-existing physical or mental defects, self-exposure to hazardous activities such as death from drugs/alcohol, suicide and war risks unless special arrangements are made.
(j) The insurance will not cover accidents emanating from the below activities; Aqualung diving, rugby, boxing, climbing and mountaineering necessitating ropes or guides, parachuting, polo, power boating, motor competitions and show jumping.
(k) The Data Plus offer insurance cover will be available for subscribers with minimum entry of 18 years. Subscribers purchasing the Data Plus bundle who are not within these age brackets will not be presented with the Insurance cover options.
(l) On the Data Plus Data menu, you can lodge a claim. Once this option is selected, you will receive an SMS detailing you to proceed as follows: Call Britam on 0705 100 100, Send “Giga” to 21778

8. Privacy

  • Definition: “Personal Information” means personal identifiable information as prescribed in the Data Protection Act which includes but is not limited to name, address, phone number, identification number, location data.
  • Collection of information: We are required by law to collect certain personal information and are legally obligated to deny you the Service if such information is not availed. Apart from the legal obligation mentioned above, we also need to collect your Personal Information for quality service delivery. Please note that although this is voluntary, without such information we may not be able to provide quality service.
  • Privacy: We are committed to respecting and protecting the privacy of the information we collect from you. Our privacy statement, as updated from time to time, explains how we treat your personal information, who we share your information with, and measures taken protect your privacy when you use our Service. This can be found on Safaricom Data Privacy Statement. If unable to access the link or our website, please reach us on any of our customer care channels to receive a copy.
  • Minors: When registering a minor as a Safaricom subscriber, a person with parental authority shall open and maintain an account in their name for and on behalf of the minor. For purposes of these Terms and Conditions, a person with parental authority shall include the birth parents of a minor, legal guardian or other person who can demonstrate legitimate authority over the minor’s affairs

9. General Terms

You can only purchase the Data Plus bundle for yourself, not for another number.

10. Amendment of these terms

Any update or amendment to these Terms and Conditions including privacy terms will be available on the Safaricom website - www.safaricom.co.ke and will take effect from the date of notification of the update or amendment.

11. Extension of Terms

  1. Save as modified above, these Terms and Conditions are supplemental to and subject to the published Safaricom Prepay Terms and Conditions and other Services that you may be using.
  2. Safaricom reserves the right to amend or vary these terms and conditions or to withdraw the Promotion at any time. In any of these events, notice will be given via SMS to the eligible subscribers and will be effective immediately or as at the date referred in such notifications.
  3. These Terms and Conditions are available at www.safaricom.co.ke.

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