Advantage Plus Postpay
Advantage Plus is a value proposition from Safaricom that enables consumers on the path to success live an uninterrupted life by offering convenience, exceptional value, prestige and differentiated service benefits. Advantage Plus offers Safaricom PrePay and PostPay customers bundle plans geared to provide them with additional value of up to 85% plus the convenience that comes with having an integrated Voice, SMS and Data bundle.
You don’t have to worry about topping up every now and then as a PrePay customer You have a clear understanding of your charges Customers who subscribe to the Advantage Plus PostPay bundles will have access to line 200 You can control your budgets by having a fixed amount to spend on your mobile phone usage expenses You get an itemized bill at the end of the month when you sign onto Advantage Plus PostPay.
a.) To purchase a PrePay plan For existing Safaricom PrePay Customers: Dial *100# and select “Advantage Plus” Select your preferred Advantage Plus Plan Select the PrePay option Select your preferred payment option i.e. Airtime or M-PESA To pay via M-PESA, enter your service PIN and confirm. For airtime options, the airtime will automatically be deducted from your main account You will then receive a notification on successful subscription to your preferred Advantage Plus PrePay Plan
b.) To purchase a PostPay plan For existing Safaricom PostPay Customers: Dial *200# and select the “Advantage Plus” option Select your plan of choice Accept the Terms and Conditions of service Submit the request You will then receive a notification on successful subscription to your preferred Advantage Plus Plan N:B. Your credit limit needs to be sufficient to cover for the cost of the bundle For Existing Safaricom PrePay Customers joining Advantage Plus PostPay Dial *100# and select your preferred Advantage Plus Plan Enter your National ID / Passport number Enter your email address (where your new PostPay bill will be sent) Confirm subscription and 1 month prepayment Accept the Terms and Conditions Pay the prepayment and 1st month’s usage via M-PESA Submit the request You will then receive a notification on successful subscription to your preferred Advantage Plus Plan and you will be migrated to the PostPay Hybrid tariff. New Customers (joining from other networks). Please visit your nearest Safaricom Shop to sign up. An original identification document such as a National ID or Passport
Because of the exceptional value being provided by the Advantage Plus value proposition and the fact that consumers have three options to pick a package that suit their needs, this package will be valid for 30 days from the subscription date after which they will be expired. Unutilized resources will NOT be rolled over after the expiry date.
If you were previously on PrePay, you will be able to top up your line with airtime. If you were on an existing PostPay tariff before subscribing to the Advantage Plus Plan, then you can continue to use your credit up to your limit. Normal calling, SMS and Internet rates will apply. This will apply to the awarded resources separately e.g. when voice minutes are depleted but the subscriber still has SMS resources; voice will be charged out-of-bundle and the SMS in-bundle.
YES. You can upgrade and downgrade your bundles based on what you qualify for. PostPay Hybrid customers (i.e. customers who were previously on PrePay) will need to visit any Safaricom Shop to upgrade their bundle plus top up their deposit to the value of the new bundle. Advantage PostPay customers will be able to upgrade or downgrade via *200#. Their credit limit needs to be sufficient to cover the additional cost
YES. You can subscribe to the Advantage Plus Plan if you are on the existing Karibu PostPay 1050 or Karibu PostPay 2,700 bundles. Your existing resources will be moved to the new Plan and the prevailing expiry dates will apply. However, once you exit the Karibu PostPay Bundles you will not be allowed to move back.
NO. Multiple bundle subscriptions will not be allowed. You will have to unsubscribe from your existing bundle to subscribe to a new one.
The bundles will not be available for use once they have expired. They will be deleted from the subscriber’s account upon expiry.
YES. You will get notifications before you exhaust your bundle minutes, SMS and internet resources
NO. The bundles are not transferable to other subscribers.
YES. You will get Bonga Points upon subscription and renewal of the bundles as per the current Bonga Points accumulation rules.
YES, you can get additional products and services as per existing product rules. However, you will need to top up your PrePay line with airtime or increase the credit limit of your PostPay line to access these services.
Simply dial *100# on your PrePay line or *200# on your PostPay line and select your preferred Advantage Plus Plan under advantage plus option.
- Advantage Plus Prepay Bundles Terms & Conditions
- Airtime Bundles Service
- Tunukiwa Daily Service
- Safaricom DIY PostPay
- Safaricom PostPay No Expiry Service
- Conditions of Use of the Safaricom Service
- Safaricom Auto Okoa Service.
- Safaricom Anniversary Service
- Safaricom Flexible Talk Time Bundle
- Safaricom Stori Ibambe Service