Inclusive Business Platforms
Our strong partnership ecosystem, high levels of connectivity and technology, together with our innovative products and services, help us to create and strengthen business opportunities, thereby driving inclusive economic development.
Our networks are critical in enabling stakeholders across Kenya to connect and share information seamlessly. Safaricom continues to provide ongoing network improvement initiatives including capacity enhancement, network optimisation and Customer Obsession.
M-PESA has grown to be Kenya's leading household mobile money transfer platform, an alternative method to access financial services and save (not store), transfer and borrow money through their mobile phones. The growth of Mpesa has led to several other opportunities:
- Mpesa super app which caters for subscribers ‘digital lifestyles and empowers businesses through a mini apps programme
- M-PESA GlobalPay virtual card enables payments to International online merchants for goods and services using the virtual card details
- Fuliza M-PESA a service that allows M-PESA customers to complete their M-PESA transactions when they have insufficient funds in their M-PESA accounts
- Pochi La Biashara a product allows for a second wallet attached to small business owners’ M-PESA lines. This enables food vendors, small kiosk owners, boda-boda operators, and second-hand clothes dealers to receive and separate business funds from personal funds on their same M-PESA line.
- Business Transacting Till, an extension of the existing Lipa na M-PESA Buy Goods Till that enables small business owners to collect payments on their till and use this money to make other payments directly from their till such as wages/ salaries.
- Boost ya Biashara: Boost ya Biashara is a credit facility available on the M-PESA Business till. The facility allows business owners to complete transactions, by overdrawing their accounts, when they have insufficient funds in their M-PESA Business tills.
DigiFarm, a Safaricom subsidiary, is an integrated mobile platform offering digital services targeted at farmers who can access advisory services, market linkages, inputs, input credits and crop insurance through a basic feature phone