The Value We Embed

Our Human Capital

Our human capital is key to our business success, as well as to our ability to create value for the wider society and communities within which we operate. As such, it is also linked inherently to our social and relationship capital, and is an essential component of our journey in realising our strategic aim of becoming a purpose-led technology company.

The Strategic Focus Underpinning Our Activities In Fy2023

Our strategic focus for the year under review was to deliver a fit-for-purpose Agile organisation to accelerate new growth areas while delivering superior customer experience. Our aim was to achieve this through our:

  • Talent and Skills: Accelerating the delivery of diverse talent and future-ready skills, which also constituted our main effort
  • Agile Organisation: Orchestrating an agile and efficient operating model, including growth areas
  • Purpose and Spirit: Fostering the purpose and Spirit of Safaricom
  • Employee Proposition: Creating a digital and personalised employee experience

Our Employee Philosophy And Management Approach

Our human capital purpose is for Safaricom to be the best place to work, for all our employees, who, as a body, comprise one of our key stakeholder groups. We therefore characterise our overarching imperatives as:

  • Careers
  • Purpose
  • Work environment
  • Thrive

Safaricom Kenya Employee Category 2023



















Our People Mission

Our people mission is to guarantee the diverse talent and critical skills needed now, as well as in the future, as we become a purpose-led technology company. To this end, during the year under review, we deployed a multi-year capability strategy on multiskilling and reskilling, enabling the adoption of the One More Skill campaign with respect to 20 prioritised digital skill areas. We achieved a career development index of 75% in our FY 2023 employee survey, which indicated that:

  • 72% of our staff believe their career goals can be met and achieved at Safaricom.
  • 78% of our staff have the opportunity to grow and learn at Safaricom.

Our Approach

We anchor our learning philosophy on the 70-20-10 approach, where, of total learning accomplished:

  • 70 percent occurs on the job
  • 20 percent occurs socially through coaching and mentoring
  • 10 percent occurs through instructor-led learning

Our key focus was on the 70 and 20 components, which has enabled a significant cost saving, with a total investment of KShs 156 million for the year under review.

Engaging with Our Employees

During the year under review, we continued to engage with our employees and provide skill acquisition and training in terms of our cultural framework, the Spirit of Safaricom, and its three phases Make it Clear; Make it Real, and Make it Stick. We do this through four enablers:

  • Language
  • Rituals
  • Symbols
  • Stories

How We Engage


Make it clear

What We Did

Five leadership forums with an average participation of 221 people, reviewing our four Spirit of Safaricom elements:

  • Purpose
  • Customer Obsession
  • Innovation
  • Collaboration

How We Measure Our Success

  • SEMA survey
  • Culture Sounding Boards
  • Spirit Champions


Make it Real

What We Did

Translating our Spirit of Safaricom elements into our work environment and day-to-day interactions with:

  • Customers
  • Colleagues
  • Community
  • Company

How We Measure Our Success

  • SEMA survey
  • Culture Sounding Boards
  • Spirit Champions


Make it Stick

What We Did

Top Employer Award 2022

How We Measure Our Success



Change Management


  • CEO townhalls
  • Agile bootcamps
  • Five Agile townhalls
  • 4 Companywide webinars
  • Service-culture training
  • Safaricom Business School (SBS) CO training


  • 3,062 people - CEO townhalls
  • Various business units - Agile bootcamps
  • Senior leadership teams - Agile bootcamps
  • Average participation: 998 people - Five Agile townhalls, 4 Companywide webinars
  • 370 people - Service-culture training
  • 838 completions - Safaricom Business School (SBS) CO training


Psychological Safety


  • Translating Amazing People Leader Programme – Creating Psychological Safety
  • Five leadership forums
  • Three Champions sessions


  • 491 trained - Translating Amazing People Leader Programme – Creating Psychological Safety
  • 221 average attendance - Five leadership forums
  • 63 attendance - Three Champions sessions


Career Development


  • One More Skill Webinars
  • Quarterly Safaricom Innovations Hackathons
  • Pamoja Initiative drive
  • Vodafone Customer Excellence Awards


  • 31 Safaricom Heroes validated
  • 1 person selected and awarded by Vodacom
  • 207 applications in Pamoja Initiative drive
  • 1 winner - Vodafone Customer Excellence Awards


Customer Obsession Pamoja Initiative drive


  • Monthly Customer Obsession League of Champions awards
  • Monthly customer story days
  • Spirit Champions
  • Service recovery training
  • Service-culture training
  • eLearning training


  • Various business units - Monthly Customer Obsession League of Champions awards
  • 1,114 employees - Monthly customer story days
  • 63 employees - Spirit Champions
  • 300 people - Service recovery training
  • 2,093 trained - Service-culture training
  • 838 completions - eLearning training

Strategic Training For Our Future


The Safaricom Digital Academy

During the year Safaricom Digital Academy admitted five cohorts comprising 561 employees, of whom 300 completed the programme and 261 remain in training at financial year-end.


Transforming into an Agile Workforce

A total of 4,498 employees (79%) have completed Agile 101 courses, with 150 certified in Agile-related courses.


The Safaricom Business School

The Safaricom Business School is a key enabler on upskilling, reskilling and multiskilling employees with the aim of assisting them to build their careers.


Mapping Employee Performance

Our Agile People model ensures that all job profiles are linked to specific business KPIs. Each role has a mapped contribution level aligned with Craft, People, Mindset , Business and Customer.