Strategic Performance Review – FY 2023

Assessing and monitoring our performance constitutes an important part of our financial and intellectual capitals. During the year under review, we mapped our activities, innovations, products, services and initiatives against the strategic goals associated with the four pillars of our strategy.

Key Achievement in our Strategic Implementation Cycle

Business Area

Mobile Data

Our Strategic Focus for FY2023

Accelerate mobile data growth in order to secure our connectivity customer and market share.

Operating / Strategic Context

  • Tough operating environment in an election year
  • Increased regulatory scrutiny
  • Increased taxation on smartphones and SIM cards
  • Sustained consumer wallet pressure with rising inflation and shilling depreciation
  • Adjusted telco products excise duty

What we did

  • Leveraged price transformation, transparency and personalised offers through Customer Value Management (CVM)
  • Enhanced affordability or our data offerings
  • Increased taxation on smartphones and SIM cards
  • Drove the penetration of 4G-enabled mobile devices through our device financing program while providing the right content to encourage usage
  • Accelerated relevance through streaming content and partnering with content creatorsand providers e.g. Showmax

Business Area


Our Strategic Focus for FY2023

Grow an engaged customer base in order to secure our connectivity customer share

Operating / Strategic Context

  • Increased regulatory scrutiny
  • Mobile termination rate revision from KShs 0.99 to KShs 0.58
  • Excise duty revisions in the year
  • Shrinking consumer wallets with rising inflation and shilling depreciation
  • Opportunity to drive customer engagement; 92% of our revenues in Voice only comes from 42% of our customers

What we did

  • Launched various customer propositions to enhance usage and grow voice ARPU including:
    a “free first call of the day” service targeting inactive ultra-low value customers
    “Power hour” and “power hour Kadogo” propositions to drive customer engagement
    “Easy Talk”, “Talkmore” and “hot minutes” value offerings
  • Leveraged our Customer Value Management (CVM) engine to retain and win back customers with personalised offers reaching 70% of the base

Performance As For 31 March 2023

  • 26.07 million, +3.4% YoY one-month active data customers
  • KShs 53.95 billion Mobile Data revenue, +11.4% YoY
  • 3.6GBs per chargeable mobile data subscribers
  • 8.9 million data customers using >1GB, +14.5% YoY growth
  • 20.30 million smartphones on the network, +10.0% YoY
  • 13.22 million 4G devices, +20.6% YoY, 52.2% using >1GB
  • 661.8 thousand active LMM devices, +31.7% YoY
  • 4G Everywhere coverage at 97%
  • 65.6% Voice traffic share as at Dec 2022
  • KShs 81.05 billion Voice revenue, -2.6% YoY
  • KShs 11.38 billion Messaging revenue, +4.6% YoY
  • 26.19 million one-month active voice customers, -7.7% YoY
  • 21.17 million one-month active messaging customers, -4.9% YoY
  • KShs 1.44 outgoing rate per minute, +1.4% YoY, KShs 0.94 incoming rate per min, -26.8% YoY
  • KShs 248.59 Voice ARPU, -0.1% YoY
  • KShs 43.82 Messaging ARPU, +5.1% YoY

Strategic Focus For FY2024

  • Accelerate Mobile data customer growth by upgrading the 2G base to 4G/5G devices
  • Deliver segmented, holistic consumer value propositions to our customers
  • Grow customer adoption on monthly plans in order to retain high value customers and accelerate revenue growth
  • Grow Giga customers by leveraging Data Plus offering (differentiated and integrated value adds)
  • Reduce frontline demand and grow adoption of multi-channel data purchases and service experience through customer education campaign
  • Defend the 2/3 Customer Market Share and Total Market Share
  • Maintain churn less than 25%
  • 100% Migration to new CVM platform to offer better segmented and personalised offers and customer propositions
  • Embed loyalty and retention as core deliverable through CVM across the business units
  • Scale adoption of global recommender and automation of Average Days of Use, churn prediction and propensity models

Business Area

Digital Channels

Our Strategic Focus for FY2023

Accelerate the growth of digital channels with an aim of driving unmatched customer experience.

Operating / Strategic Context

  • The need to deliver simple, efficient and seamless customer experience in order to address existing complexity in service delivery
  • Accelerate the growth of Do It Yourself (DIY) journeys across the digital/self-service channels in order to deflect traffic from the traditional Contact Centre Channel
  • The need to simplify the experience of our frontline staff by providing an automated platform that empowers staff tor faster decision-making and delivers an omnichannel experience for the customer

What we did

  • Digitised and introduced 14+ new DIY customer journeys on the App, Web and Zuri BOT, leading to an accelerated growth of our self-service interactions
  • Developed the Single View of the Customer Platform to create simplicity for the frontline team in offering Simple, Efficient, and Customer Centric Service
  • Integrated all the key touchpoints into our Touchpoint Net Promoter Score (TNPS) Tool (Dubi), we are now able to measure TNPS across the Key touchpoints
  • Enhanced distance checks and geo-locks for agents to improve SIM-swap success rate
  • Migrated SIM-swap to Jiandikishe App and introduced SIM-swap without PIN
  • Introduced DIY journeys for major services like PUK, Sambaza, and PRS

Performance As For 31 March 2023

  • Modelled SFC business opportunity, Infrastructure requirements and compensation to deliver strategy 2025
  • De-layered the channels organisation in readiness for a simplified RTC Operating mode
  • KYC collection automation and thus delivering efficiency and better cost management
  • Improved governance on till movements through the implementation of till geo-locking
  • Churn management and cost optimisation from line allocation review
  • Reduction in SIM fraud

Strategic Focus For FY2024

  • Transform Partner Compensation Model and pay for performance
  • Roll out revised RTC Operating Model Retool capability to deliver the revised RTC operating model

Business Area


Our Strategic Focus for FY2023

Drive Unmatched Omni- Channel Experience in order to accelerate new growth areas delivering superior customer experience.

Operating / Strategic Context

Route to Customer (RTC) strategy guided by five principles:

  • Customer-centricity
  • Optimising – matching channels and offerings to maximise revenue and customer-obsession
  • Proactivity – identifying opportunities and pre-empting issues
  • Omni-channel – cross-channel data flow and visibility
  • Data-centricity – to facilitate decision-making

What we did

RTC Operating Model transformation

  • Board approval for the RTC Framework
  • Defined optimal geographical territories to enable delivery of New Growth Areas

Process and Governance

  • KYC Collection Automation
  • Geo-locking of tills
  • Review of Line Allocation Process

Performance As For 31 March 2023

  • Added 14+ journeys on our self-service channels
  • Grew self-service from 69% to 83%, serving a total of 521,000 customers a day
  • Grew our digital engagements from 3.2 million to 4.1 million customers
  • Deployed the Single View of the Customer (SVC) for Contact Centre, where staff can access in one platform, the Customers Profile, Insights and Subscriptions
  • Achieved 9ppts growth on the digital Touch Point Net Promoter Score (TNPS) from 31 to close to 40
  • Reduced SIM swap demand to the call centre by 30% and deflected 30,000 daily calls from contact centre to self-service
  • Achieved 97% on IVR success rate and 96% on SIM-swap performance

Strategic Focus For FY2024

  • Greater focus on channels automation and digitisation by:
    • Delivery of an end-to-end Unified Digital Partner platform
    • Delivery of a single retail focused end-to-end APP to be used in the trade
    • Scale the usage and uptake of SVC to retail frontline staff
  • Grow self-service/DIY through digitisation of customer journeys by creating more customer journeys targeting customer pain and friction areas, onto the APP, Web, and BOT (digital assets)
  • Digitise key Journeys on app and Web to support consumer business and new growth areas

Business Area

Financial Services

Our Strategic Focus for FY2023

Deliver a turbocharged digital Financial Services ecosystem empowering society.

Operating / Strategic Context

  • Challenging operating environment being an electioneering period
  • Business activity slowdown in an election year
  • Increased regulatory scrutiny
  • Return to charging on bank to/from M-PESA transactions
  • Sustained consumer wallet pressure with rising inflation and shilling depreciation

What we did

Collaborating to build Lifestyle Ecosystem: Partnering with 3rd parties to build lifestyle solutions with 69 published mini apps to date.

Connecting Businesses and Consumers :Scaling API's enabling payment and credit opportunities & innovation.

Business Area

Financial Services

Our Strategic Focus for FY2023

Accelerate Next Financial Services growth areas in order to turbocharge the digital financial services ecosystem empowering society.

Operating / Strategic Context

  • Develop truly mobile-centric solutions for wealth management and insurance
  • Shift financial services towards inclusive finance, helping customers manage liquidity, risk and investments while creating a stronger focus on customer experience
  • Uncertain operating environment being an electioneering period
  • Increased regulatory scrutiny
  • Sustained consumer wallet pressure with rising inflation and shilling depreciation

What we did

  • Rolled out the Hustler Fund credit and Savings Proposition
  • Launched Merchant Overdraft solution
  • Partnered with IRA and KRA to support Marine Cargo Insurance
  • Enabled Fuliza Withdrawal for Consumers
  • Partnered with Women Enterprise Fund (WEF) to launch a Group loan product

Business Area

Financial Services

Our Strategic Focus for FY2023

Evolve M-PESA into an open innovation platform, enabling third-party integrations in order to deliver a turbocharged digital Financial Services ecosystem while empowering society.

Operating / Strategic Context

  • Uncertain operating environment in an electioneering period
  • Increased regulatory scrutiny
  • Sustained consumer wallet pressure with rising inflation and shilling depreciation

What we did

M-PESA For All : M-PESA Go to include Gen Z; Enabling Merchant Interoperability to be fully inclusive; Expanding credit to marginalised groups

Connecting to the Global Marketplace : Partnership with Visa, launching M-PESA Global Virtual Visa Card & expanding international remittance

Scaling Next Financial Services : Enabling Fuliza withdrawals; M-PESA Business Overdraft; Wealth Management- MALI

Performance As For 31 March 2023

  • 32.11 million one-month active M-PESA customers
  • KShs 117.2 billion M-PESA revenue, +8.8% YoY
  • KShs 35.86 trillion Value of M-PESA transactions, +21.4% YoY
  • 21.03 billion M-PESA transactions, +33.5% YoY
  • 23.54 Chargeable transactions per one-month active customers, +16.2% YoY
  • KShs 24.44 billion disbursed under the Hustler Fund initiative to 15.8 million subscribers
  • The digitised Women Enterprise Fund was launched on 2 March 2023, with 380,386 groups onboarded, and 2,001 active (greater than 10 members)
  • The merchant overdraft product went live on 17 February 2023, with KShs 1.12 billion disbursed to 18,922 merchants by 31 March 2023
  • +7.4 million downloads on M-PESA Super App
  • 50 active Mini apps, 11 under development
  • 34.1 transactions per month via the app per active customer
  • KShs 6.7 billion revenue generated via the Consumer App
  • Launched M-PESA Virtual Global pay card with Visa in June 2022
  • 28,000 integrations working with 61,000 developers
  • Approximately USD 14 million in value accrued to the larger developer ecosystem
  • Time taken by developers to integrate C2B and B2C APIs, down from seven days to four

Strategic Focus For FY2024

  • Business Payments Ecosystem services and governance to scale the payment ecosystem solutions
  • Develop a business empowerment platform for M/SME and large enterprises
  • Maximise the value of M-PESA agent network as a key channel for financial services
  • Grow core payments business sustaining double-digit growth
  • Scale M-PESA go proposition into a lifestyle platform for teens and tweens
  • Leverage M&A and partnerships to unlock future growth
  • Evolve all credit and wealth products into a Marketplace for Consumers, SMEs, and Agents
  • Customer Obsession: Embed a Demand target to ensure we develop intuitive Frictionless propositions
  • Roll out platform model for Insurance services
  • Evolve our M/SME offering to be fully digital
  • Scale Global Payments interoperability & Remittances
  • Expand the scale of the fintech ecosystem to accelerate the growth of fintech platforms
  • Transform the Consumer SuperApp into a thriving platform that caters to consumer lifestyles
  • Maximise the value generated through Fintech platforms (Daraja, APIs, M-PESA SuperApp) and solutions
  • Increase the size of the fintech network(s)
  • Embed a Demand target to ensure we develop intuitive Frictionless propositions
  • Collaborate across the organisation to deliver One app Strategy for Safaricom

Business Area

Safaricom Telecommunications Ethiopia

Our Strategic Focus for FY2023

Deliver a successful launch in Ethiopia for Telco and Mobile Financial Services.

Operating / Strategic Context

  • Macro update:
    • GDP Growth in 2023 expected to be 6.2% compared to an average of 9.1% (2011–2020)
    • Exchange rate – Liquidity pressure in the market with increasing divergence of the official vs parallel market rates
    • Rising inflation
    • Impact of the Ukraine war and locally the war in the North region
  • Regulatory:
    • Ethio telecom Privatisation – 45% of Ethio telecom privatisation was announced in February 2023
    • Telecom License – Ethiopian Communication Authority (ECA) is also expected to issue an EOI for the 2nd private telecom entrants
    • Financial Liberalisation – Government is still keen on liberalising other industries including opening the mobile financial services and banking sectors
  • Political:
    • An overall stable environment currently
    • Tigray – Northern Ethiopia Region, Tigray has opened from end Dec 2022 and commercial flights are now operational along with basic services such as banking & telecom

What we did

  • Commercial Launch of GSM services on 6 October 2022
  • Signed network and infrastructure sharing agreements with Ethiotel
  • Signed 5-year lease infrastructure agreements with Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) and Ethiopian Electric Utilities (EEU) for our transmission self-build
  • Board of Directors and Executive teams fully established

Performance As For 31 March 2023

  • 3.0 million Gross Adds
  • 22% Population Coverage
  • 22 Cities covered
  • Mobile Data customer penetration at 67% of Customer Active base
  • 114 Distributor shops
  • 624 Distributor business partners
  • 44,000 points of sale
  • Voice Usage – 55 mins/customer/month
  • Data Usage – 1.5GB/customer/month
  • 1,272 Network Sites
  • Fastest Data Network
  • 909 Permanent Employees: 36% female and 81% Ethiopians/19% Expats
  • Social outreach
    • Created 4,610 indirect jobs
    • Community engagement

Strategic Focus For FY2024

  • Launch Mobile Financial Service Build an effective distribution Channel for both GSM and M-PESA
  • NPS #1 in 6 priority clusters
  • Best Network: No. #1 network where we have coverage
  • Deliver compelling Customer propositions that will accelerate building a community of Safaricom customers
  • People, Culture & Organisation – Build a digital first future fit organisation

Business Area

Digital Service and Product (Video, Music, Gaming)

Our Strategic Focus for FY2023

Establish a sustainable digital content business in order to accelerate new growth areas.

Operating / Strategic Context

  • Lead the delivery of tailor-made customer-centric solutions
  • Lead digitisation to accelerate new growth areas

What we did

Digital services portfolio:

  • Onboarded key strategic content partners to leapfrog our ambition especially in video, music, and mobile gaming
  • Introduced new business models to enable content bundle integration to Mobile and Fixed Data
  • Supported the local content creation industry by introducing a “Pre-Licensing model” that presented exclusive content to our platforms
  • Fixed major customer journey experience issues and ensured “Always On” marketing campaigns to acquire and raise awareness

Business Area


Operating / Strategic Context

Weak Enterprise brand

  • Systems, tools and processes
  • Sub-optimal Operating Model
  • Limited GTM (Go-to-Market) strategy
  • Value Propositions untailored to business needs
  • Rising Security concerns for businesses

What we did

  • Internet and e-commerce acceleration
  • 25% growth in FTTB (Fiber to the Building) to 6,000 buildings
  • Merchant transactions drove growth
  • Focused ICT and IoT (Internet of Things)
  • Consolidated wholesale business
  • Integrated offers (Secured connectivity)
  • Implementation of an enterprise GTM (Go-to-Market) strategy

Business Area

Fixed Business - Home and Enterprise

Our Strategic Focus for FY2023

Scale Fixed Data business in order to accelerate new growth areas delivering superior customer experience

Operating / Strategic Context

  • Faced key competition developments in the sector
  • Flat market share due to industry growth driven by low-cost broadband proposition players
  • Increased proliferation of informal providers not included in the regulator sector findings

What we did

  • Launched a Sales Automation solution specifically designed for use by the sales agents
  • Leveraged the reseller model to drive growth

Performance As For 31 March 2023

  • Digital content Customers: 2.1 million, +48% YoY growth
  • Digital content Revenue: KShs 0.99 billion, +38% YoY growth
  • KShs 13.46 billion, +19.7% Fixed line and Wholesale Transit revenue
  • KShs 8.55 billion Enterprise revenue, +21.4% YoY
  • FTTH Customers at 195,741, +17.9%
  • Fixed Enterprise customers 48,373, +0.1%
  • KShs 0.8 billion, +61.0% IoT revenue with 1,496 customers
  • KShs 13.46 billion Fixed Enterprise and Wholesale revenue, +19.7% YoY
  • KShs 4.94 billion Consumer revenue, +17.9% YoY
  • 466k homes passed with 59.2% conversion rate and 71.0% activity rate
  • 48k Fixed Data customers, 0.1% YoY of which 20,600 are FTTB customers

Strategic Focus For FY2024

  • Aggregate and monetise the entertainment hub to grow content revenues
  • Leverage Partnerships for growth in Content, Fixed and Mobile Data
  • Digitise and automate VAS and content partners
  • Reduce demand and Grow adoption of digital channels through customer education campaigns
  • Create relevant integrated business propositions
  • Create and scale replicable digital solutions for businesses
  • Grow revenues through scale of SIM connectivity and penetration of Full Stack Solutions
  • Inculcate in each and every team member, a culture of ownership and accountability for the targeted business outcomes
  • Develop fibre+ propositions to drive 100% growth in FTTX connections
  • Execute a Digital First, App enabled customer experience

Business Area


Our Strategic Focus for FY2023

To accelerate active farmer acquisitions in order to scale new business opportunities.

Operating / Strategic Context

Key Challenges: Digital Marketplace

  • Farmer engagement – Large Field
  • Weather, Agronomy Advisory
  • Access to Inputs
  • Soil Testing, Insurance, Mechanisation
  • Storage & Market Access

Integrated Financing

  • Credit Model – Limited
  • Credit Issuance & Collection
  • Integrated Payments – Limited

What we did

An Integrated Approach Combining Production, Markets and Financing

  • Digital-first, agency model
  • E-learning, content partners
  • Distribution partnerships
  • Partnerships, digital processes
  • Offtake partnerships
  • Robust agri-credit model
  • Banking partnerships
  • Integrated M-PESA

Performance As For 31 March 2023

  • KShs 407.27 million DigiFarm revenues
  • 1.4 million registered farmers, 160,000 actively engaged farmers
  • KShs 919 million loans disbursed to farmers
  • 760 Village DigiFarm Advisors

Strategic Focus For FY2024

  • Revamp DigiFarm operating model
  • Implement a credit model & credit product for the agri-value chain (farmers, buyers)
  • Build farmer solutions that improve productivity and connect them to markets
  • Build market access solutions to connect farmers to buyers
  • Define and implement an impact strategy
  • Implement a scalable, cost-effective tech platform to power DigiFarm

Business Area


Our Strategic Focus for FY2023

Step change the capability and mindset towards smart investments in order to provide financial capacity for fuelling growth.

Operating / Strategic Context

  • High inflation and increased operating costs such as energy
  • Forex depreciation impacting our cost base
  • Shrinking customer wallet driven by Kenyan macro-economic factors in the country

What we did

Our cost optimisation drive was achieved through these three pillars:

  • Smart procurement through contract optimisation both on scope and price
  • Digital acceleration to drive efficiency in how we serve our customers
  • Reviewing of our operating models in specific business areas to drive efficiency
  • Optimisation of our working capital in the three categories of payables, inventory and receivables

Performance As For 31 March 2023

  • We delivered KShs 9 billion in efficiency in both cash and non-cash benefits anchored on our three pillars
  • This cost efficiency allowed us to mitigate negative macro factors and delivered value to the business by giving more value to our customer via price reductions in our key business categories: Data (-24.5%), M-PESA up to 50% average reduction in tariffs across all transaction bands for bank to M-PESA and M-PESA to bank transactions, and 50% reduction in Fuliza cost of credit

Strategic Focus For FY2024

  • Enhance pricing and revenue management capabilities to drive revenue growth and profitability for targeted customer propositions and business categories
  • Drive and monitor value realisation from every investment done across the business to drive efficiency in our capital projects
  • Accelerate structural cost transformation across the business to deliver efficiency to allow for pricing adjustments, investments in new areas, risks mitigations and margin maximisation
  • Amplify the productivity culture across the organisation through internal crowdsourcing of ideas

Business Area

Deepen Customer Engagement and Experience

Our Strategic Focus for FY2023

Execute Safaricom’s Customer Obsession strategy through cross- functional partnerships in order to embed Customer Obsession at the core of our culture.

Operating / Strategic Context

  • Attributes impacting on experience:
    • Price of products and services
  • Emotional attributes:
    • Company you can trust
    • Understand my needs
    • Makes things simple and easy
    • Offers something different
    • Values me as a customer

What we did

  • Targeted Offers – Creating transparent offerings
  • Intuitive and Secure
  • M-PESA Journey allowing customers to use M-PESA services quickly, safely anytime & anywhere
  • Seamless Fibre Installation and Maintenance – Delivering reliable, always on, excellent service on key points of FTTX customer journey
  • Usage Driven Network and Systems Superiority
  • Omni Channel Excellence – Delivering superior customer experiences across integrated customer channels
  • Customer Obsessed Culture – Ensuring Customer Obsessed culture is alive and anchored on throughout the organisation

Strategic Focus For FY2024

  • Transparent and Targeted Offers – Creating transparent offerings, matching customer diversity to Safaricom's unmatched products & services
  • Intuitive and Secure M-PESA Journey allowing customers to use M-PESA services quickly, safely anytime and anywhere
  • Seamless fibre installation and maintenance, delivering reliable, always on, excellent service on key points of FTTX customer journey
  • Usage-Driven Network and Systems Superiority – Building network superiority focused around current and future customers' behaviors
  • Omni Channel Excellence – Delivering superior customer experiences across integrated customer channels
  • Customer Obsessed Culture – Ensuring Customer Obsessed culture is alive and anchored on throughout the organisation

Business Area

Network and IT

Our Strategic Focus for FY2023

Deliver a cost leading, "always-on" network, in order to establish a cost-effective, agile, customer- obsessed technology environment

Operating / Strategic Context

  • Customer demand continues to increase
  • Traffic driven by increased 4G devices and video consumption, M-PESA transactions and voice

What we did

  • Internally-developed applications
  • Focus on career development and employee experience
  • Scaling in a competitive market
  • Developers recruited
  • Teams embedded in the agile tribes

Strategic Focus For FY2024

  • Scale capabilities for tech solutions
  • Use scale and technology to drive lowest cost of production
  • Open technology stack to foster innovation
  • Grow Broadband solutions to expand addressable market customer experience through insights
  • #1 place to work for engineers

Business Area

Data and Analytics

Our Strategic Focus for FY2023

Deliver customer and business value through Big Data and Analytics use cases in order to provide financial capacity for fuelling growth.

Operating / Strategic Context

  • Rich Customer Profile encapsulating a 360 View across multiple dimensions
  • Rapid Deployment and scale of personalised recommendations and real-time training
  • Big Data Cloud Scaling using Cloud capabilities for scale & model engine capability

What we did

  • Scaling Active AI Personalisation Engine across 4 Journeys to strengthen the core and customer brand trust
  • Building rich customer profile & use cases with commercial impact

Strategic Focus For FY2024

  • Democratise data by revamping product portfolio and GTM strategy (devices/ accessories, reach, use cases etc.)
  • Manage voice decline through bundle-based pricing focusing on content/services enabled by connectivity, affordability in sensitive segments, strong household offering and loyalty/engagement
  • Scale a content aggregation platform to drive usage and stickiness
  • Win in FTTX as a converged business

Business Area

M&A and Partnerships

Our Strategic Focus for FY2023

Deliver growth- focused strategic partnerships that will drive substantive value addition in order to scale new business opportunities.

Operating / Strategic Context

  • Nascent Partnership Culture and Mindset
  • Specialised expertise/skill set and capacity in new business areas eg. digital health
  • Nascent/unclear regulations in new digital business models
  • Slow progress in developing digital skills and platforms slowing down the progress on Digital Maturity index

What we did

  • Spark fund: the startups invested in the fund continued to demonstrate growth
  • Invested in Circle Gas (the holding company of M-Gas Kenya) and supports M-Gas Kenya by offering enterprise services (voice, data, NB-IoT, M-PESA) to enable pay-as-you-go cooking and enhanced service delivery to customers
  • Partnered with Meta (formerly known as Facebook) to bring more people online by showing the value of being connected. Meta supports the Lipa Mdogo Mdogo service which aims to promote the uptake of smartphones in the low-income market segment

Strategic Focus For FY2024

  • Digital lifestyle and e-commerce platform
  • Business empowerment enabler in integrated digital financial services
  • Superior financial services eco-system technology platform
  • Scaling New Growth Areas

Business Area

Talent and Organisation

Our Strategic Focus for FY2023

Accelerate delivery of critical talent, skills and target operating models in order to deliver a fit-for-purpose agile organisation.

Operating / Strategic Context

  • General decline in engagement scores
  • Fading organisational drive as global headwinds increased
  • Talent wars in the technology space
  • Skills prioritised through skills audit and mission review
  • Focus on accelerating talent bench strength and pipeline

What we did

  • Worked towards future-ready talent
  • Digital Academy grads (5 cohorts)
  • Industry Digital talent trained
  • Female representation at senior management level
  • People leaders upskilled in leadership
  • Agile transformation Journey

Strategic Focus For FY2024

  • Embed Agile structure to contribution level framework
  • Accelerate STEP optimisation and shape and health of the organisation
  • Spirit of Safaricom as a key performance objective
  • Personalised digital employee experience
  • Zero-harm culture and Thrive – Health, Safety and Wellbeing
  • Embed Safaricom leadership standards for people managers
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion roadmap