The Social Value We Contribute

Our Guiding Strategic Principles:


Globally and Locally Engaged

We align with the UN SDGs as well as the national development commitments and blueprints.


Catalytic and Sustainable

We provide support and catalyse investments by other resource providers to generate long-term impactful an sustainable results.


Leveraging Technology Services

This informs decision-making in the development and delivery of impactful and scalable community investments.



This maximises the impact of our investments.


Environmentally Aware

This mitigates any negative impact of the Foundation’s investments on the environment.


Bold, Agile and Innovative

We make bold decisions and are not afraid to fail forward in the quest to make interventions that will have a long-term impact and transform lives.


Rights-based and Gender Responsive

This ensures that the Foundation’s investments provide equally for women and men, while supporting the rights of both girls and boys.



Being evidence-generating and result-focused ensures that the Foundation’s investments are based on data and rigorous analytics.

Safaricom Foundation Strategy 2023–2026



Transform Lives



Transform lives through impactful community investment


Transformation Goal

To make a significant contribution towards Kenya’s sustainable development in our areas of focus


Strategy Approach

Deepen Engagement with Communities


Transformative Pillars

Sustainable Philanthropy And Humanitarian Response


Foundational Enablers

Data & Analytics,Technology,Partnerships,Community Ownership and Resource Mobilisation


Our Culture

Purpose, Collaboration, Customer Obsession and Innovation

What the Safaricom Foundation Did in FY2023

Thematic Area


What We Achieved

Lamu County

The implementing partner, PharmAccess with the support of Safaricom Foundation, worked on a research paper titled A Quasi-Experimental Study of Effects of Community Health Workers’ Incentivisation On Reporting And Promotion Of Maternal, Newborn And Child Health Services In Lamu County, Kenya.

During the three-year (2018–2021) implementation period of the project, a 6% improvement in the number of mothers able to go to the clinic at least four times during their pregnancy was realised, with an increase of 4% in the number of children receiving all their immunisations before they attain the age of 24 months was achieved. In addition, a 6% increase in the number of deliveries conducted through a skilled birth attendant was recorded.

Baringo County

The Uzazi Salama programme entered its final year of implementation during the year under review. The goal was to improve access and uptake of RMNCAH for 30,000 mothers in Baringo County by the year 2023. We saw a growth against target of 152% in skilled deliveries, while visits at Ante-natal Clinics (ANC) 1 and 4 attained an increase of 222% and 103% respectively.

Thematic Area


What We Achieved

The TVET Scholarships Programme: The goal of the TVET scholarships programme is to make a significant contribution towards Kenya’s sustainable development, by equipping youth with sustainable skills for the construction and hospitality industries. During the year under review, the programme supported 1,027 trainees across TVETs in the country.

Thematic Area

Economic Empowerment

What We Achieved

The Economic Empowerment Programme: The objective of the economic empowerment programme is to improve the lives of women and youth in Kajiado county by promoting the adoption of agriculture as a viable and dignified source of livelihood. This created room for youth to interact with modern farming methods and different value chains at the demo farm. More than 1,300 potential farmers were engaged.

The COVID-19 Adaptation Revolving Fund Programme: The programme continued to provide micro-loans to Kenyans to help cushion them against the effects of COVID-19 pandemic. The programme mobilised and trained 7,032 members while retaining 7,224 jobs and disbursing KShs 14,097,035.

Ndoto Zetu phase IV: Phase IV of this programme, which allows Kenyans to share their community dreams, was launched, and after a selection process, participants’ dreams were realised through funding by the Foundation. The 2022–23 Ndoto Zetu phase IV identified and delivered 390 dreams across the 47 counties, improving Kenyan 709,537 lives directly and 3,547,685 indirectly.

Thematic Area

Pamoja Scheme

What We Achieved

The Pamoja scheme is a Safaricom staff funding initiative that provides opportunities for permanent employees to apply for funding for projects or causes that they would want to support. During the year, the scheme realised 60 projects across the 47 counties directly improved the lives of 64,069 people and a further 320,345 indirectly, with 1,399 employees participating in various community engagements during the period under review.

The M-PESA Foundation

During the year under review, the Foundation continued to transform the lives of Kenyans through integrated long- and short-term projects across the country through health, education and integrated water, environment, and livelihood programmes.

Thematic Area

Uzazi Salama Programme

What We Achieved

This KShs150 programme promotes maternal, new-born and child health, and continued to make a substantial contribution.The programme, which aims to decrease maternal and new-born health morbidity and mortality rates, continued with implementation plans in Homabay County. The two-year programme is being implemented by a consortium of partners – AMREF Health Africa, PharmAccess Foundation, Pathfinder International and Action Aid in Kenya, and will benefit 200,000 people. Leveraging technology to train community health volunteers, the programme is in its final year of implementation.

Thematic Area


What We Achieved

The TVET Scholarships Programme: The goal of the TVET scholarships programme is to make a significant contribution towards Kenya’s sustainable development, by equipping youth with sustainable skills for the construction and hospitality industries. During the year under review, the programme supported 1,027 trainees across TVETs in the country.

Thematic Area

The M-PESA Foundation Academy

What We Achieved

The programme continued to provide quality education to bright children from poor backgrounds across the 47 counties, with the aim of producing model leaders, doers, and thinkers. During the year there were 414 students at the academy and 325 at Uongozi centre. Tertiary education placement for cohorts 1, 2 and 3 absorbed 94, 166 and 158 students respectively.

Thematic Area

Plan For Securing The Future Of The Last Remaining Kenyan Roan Antelopes

What We Achieved

Implementation plan continued at Runa Park in Homabay County. Currently, 25 roan antelopes (16 resident and 9 translocated) inhabit the Park.

Thematic Area

Wezesha Elimu Programme

What We Achieved

This programme contributes to improved access to education for children with disabilities to achieve so that they can reach their full potential and lead a dignified life. Under the programme 188 paediatric orthopaedic and other surgeries, were performed, 158 mobility devices were distributed, and 152 orthopaedic rehabilitations were undertaken.

Thematic Area

Gertrude's Foundation

What We Achieved

The Foundation continued with its implementation of the Telemedicine – Daktari Smart Programme, whose goal is to improve access to high-quality healthcare for children in counties without a resident paediatrician. It achieves this by leveraging technology to provide treatment for children up to 21 in hard-to-reach counties. The programme is implemented in Homabay, Samburu, Lamu and Baringo counties, with 1,473 children benefitting during the year.

Thematic Area

Partnership With Kilimanjaro Blind Trust

What We Achieved

The aim of the partnership is to improve the employability skills of Visually Impaired Youth through access to quality inclusive education and training in innovative digital assistive technologies, through a two-year programme. At least 200 Kenyan youth with visual impairments will access quality inclusive education and be placed on the path to make competency-based market-driven technical career choices, and transit to either formal or informal employment in inclusive workplaces.

Thematic Area

Citizens Of The Future Programme

What We Achieved

This programme will be implemented in 2023, with the aim of improving education and TVET infrastructure in Kenya, and providing secondary school scholarships, ECD and ICT in education.

Thematic Area

M-MAMA Programme

What We Achieved

This programme will be implemented to enable the use of ICT to improve the referral of pregnant mothers and new-borns in need of emergency treatment.