Our Strategic Approach

Why It Is Important

Our platforms – networks, stations and digital ecosystems – are the core foundation of our business, facilitating inclusive, sustainable economic development and innovation to transform lives. In keeping with our Customer Obsession focus, which means putting our customers first in everything we do, we monitor the critical components of our network – quality, availability and coverage – to ensure that we provide our customers with the best overall experience.

Our Response

Our platforms reflect the value provided to the customer, as Safaricom is more than just a network. Our network enables our platforms such as M-PESA and DigiFarm which we are constantly refining and enhancing in order to add new functionalities and capabilities with the overall aim of transforming our customers’ experience and adding economic value. We have successfully rolled out our Agile culture to ensure that we incorporate the perspective of customers as we respond to their rapidly-evolving needs. This approach is aligned with our Customer Obsession* principle as we transition from a telco to a technology company.

Why It Is Important

The way in which we live and work in the environment underpins our strategic focus on customers, colleagues, community and company. As one of the major players in Kenya's economy, we have a particular responsibility not only to manage and minimise our impact on the environment, but to demonstrate best practice in the ways in which we achieve, as well as in reporting our environmental performance openly and transparently.Aligned with our net-zero commitment, we manage our operations responsibly and work with our stakeholders to achieve this.

Our Response

We pay careful attention to energy usage, and the carbon footprint of both our Group and our wider industry. We also endeavour to provide solutions to help other sectors reduce their emissions through digitisation. We track greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, energy efficiency, consumption and cost, waste and e-waste and emission reduction, constantly monitoring our progress. We also make use of environmental impact assessments and audits, together with international third-party standards such as ISO 14001 environmental and ISO 50001 energy management systems in order to establish both negative and positive impacts and implement mitigation measures where required. We collaborate with regulators to significantly increase access to information and communications technology (SDG9), while ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns both within our own organisation and amongst our stakeholders (SDG12).By helping to build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels (SDG16), through partnerships within the wider business community (SDG17), we enable sustained, inclusive economic growth (SDG8). This, in turn, is driving progress, creating decent jobs for all and improving living standards.

Why It Is Important

As a purpose-led technology company, we consider innovation to be central to achieving our strategic objectives, retaining our competitive edge, ensuring that we continue to grow.For us, innovation is not just about product innovation, but extends also to innovation-related to financing, partnerships and engagement– solutions throughout the value chain that transform lives in many different ways. Constant innovation is an important aspect of ensuring our continued success and resilience.

Our Response

Among other teams, our Business Development Division is responsible for innovation and partnerships. While each of these teams has specialised areas of expertise, they all share the understanding that the digital economy will be built by people who are not just connecting individuals and businesses to technology, but to solutions, as seen from the perspective of people living with challenges. The teams liaise closely with the Customer Obsession stream to achieve business insights into areas that matter most to customers and to guide the business in new areas of opportunity. These insights, together with ongoing training, are complemented by predictive models to drive smarter business decisions and actions.

Why It Is Important

Good corporate governance practices are essential to the delivery of long-term, sustainable stakeholder and shareholder value. The ability to generate long-term value is based on good corporate governance, which helps to regulate risk. As a responsible corporate citizen, the implementation of strong governance structures, including a governance code, an ethical culture, and a robust risk management framework, is foremost in our minds.

Our Response

Our focused adherence to governance and ethics underpins our risk management framework. We work beyond our own business to stand together with society and drive behavioural change through effective collective action initiatives. We include our business partners in ethics training, and play an active role in collaborative advocacy action that promotes ethics and integrity through quarterly fraud forums for financial institutions, with 489 suppliers attending.
Our governance, business ethics and risk priorities for the year were:

  • Further embedding a positive risk culture across our organisation.
  • Customer Obsession.
  • Data privacy and protection.
  • Cyber security.
  • Managing risks and uncertainties facing the business.

Why It Is Important

The Regulatory Environment plays a significant role in Safaricom’s ability to operate effectively, as we reflect and respond to change in the socio- economic environment. These two environments together have the capacity to impact our strategy, its expression in our business model, and consequently our decision-making.

Our Response

We continuously and regularly identify and assess changes and monitor expectations to ensure that our decision-making is compliant, responsible, transparent and value-creating. We worked with the CA, who extended usage of the COVID-19 spectrum and secured 5G to us in order to reduce stress on the network caused by the spike in demand for data during the lockdown period. This enabled us to continue serving our customers during a time when the country was transitioning to virtual services. During the year under review, we maintained our focus on compliance, and this translated to minimal non-conformance, resulting in zero penalties or non-monetary sanctions.

The Global Goal



The focus remains to leverage on mobile technologies to transform lives by improving access to affordable healthcare through products such as M-TIBA.



The future focus is to continue expanding access to education through innovative solutions under the Elimu pillar of our Safaricom and M-PESA Foundations.



Our focus is to transition to the use of clean energy at our sites and leverage technology to provide clean energy solutions.



The quality of the service we provide enables decent work and economic growth.



Facilitating increased accessibility and data connectivity by making affordable smartphones available to everyone in the market.


SDG 10

We work to promote financial inclusion across all sectors while promoting digital and gender inclusion.


SDG 12

We increased the number of our regional retail shops with segregated waste management bins from 18 to 72 facilities and 51 retail shops.


SDG 17

We partner with licensed mini-grid providers in remote regions or grid-power- deficient areas where we are the anchor tenant.

The Risk Environment

It is with these matters in mind that we therefore recognise the centrality of the management of risk and uncertainty to our strategy, purpose, and mission and values. The understanding of this centrality is a fundamental component of our intellectual capital, and it plays an integral part in the successful delivery of our strategic objectives, both in our financial and non-financial activities. This means not only continually domestic macro-economic developments and conditions. These can make themselves felt in such areas as:

  • Employment trends and social inequality
  • Access to disposable income and the exercise of basic human rights
  • The development and availability of ever-innovative technology

We therefore continually strive to understand and analyse how all these factors affect the way we operate.


Our Enterprise Risk Management

We remain committed to robust risk management practices as an integral part of good management. This is evident in our top-down approach, with the Board assuming overall responsibility for the management of risk. From this level, appropriate support for risk management is disseminated throughout the Company, driving a positive risk culture across the organisation. Our risk management framework is aligned to the ISO 31000, allowing us to identify, measure, manage and monitor strategic and operational risks across the business. The framework provides the Company’s management with a clear line-of-sight over risk, and enables informed decision-making. Moreover, we continuously review our risk management framework to ensure the effective provision of the appropriate foundational and organisational arrangements for identifying, treating, reporting, monitoring, reviewing and continually improving the management of risk.

Our Risk Appetite Statement

Safaricom faces a broad range of risks while carrying out its business operations. We therefore recognise that risk is an inevitable part of creating and preserving value. With this in mind, we have developed detailed processes to ensure that all critical and major risks are proactively managed.At the same time, we recognise that it is not possible to eliminate all the risks inherent in our operations and that acceptance of some risks is necessary if we are to foster innovation, the development of a sustainable business, and maximise value for our shareholders. Our risk philosophy is aligned to best risk management practices and is aimed at supporting the attainment of our purpose, vision and mission by effectively balancing risk and reward.


Our Principal Risks and What We're Doing About Them

Our risk identification and mitigation processes have been designed to be responsive to the ever-changing environment in which we operate.We identify key risks through our Enterprise Risk Management Framework (ERMF), which provides the Executive Committee and Board with a robust assessment of the principal risks facing the Company. An embedded enterprise risk-management process supports the identification of these principal risks. The risk appetite for each principal risk is reviewed and approved by the Board to enable informed risk-based decision-making.

Managing Risks

Our Risk Heat Map

Our risk heat map sets out the principal risks as identified through the risk management process that covers strategy and operations. It depicts the residual risk after the institution of mitigating controls.