Our Strategic Framework

Our strategy forms a fundamental part of our intellectual capital, and it emphasises our purpose of transforming lives. With due consideration of the macro-economic environment in which we operate, as well as what differentiates us from our competitors, together with feedback from our customers and our recognition of the centrality of our purpose as a socially responsible organisation, we have designed our strategy to decisively support what our customers need to transform their lives through technology.

Our Strategy RoadMap


Our Strategy House

Our Strategic Focus Goals – FY2023

Strategic Framework KPI’s

Growth of new business areas: Existing growth areas require investment and acceleration. They include Digital Business, IoT, ICT, M-PESA and DigiFarm acceleration.

Fixed Ambition: Scale fixed solutions for consumers and businesses.

Digital Business: Build and monetise a content platform that will aggregate content players, connect with customer and deliver seamless experience.

ICT: Establish the requisite operating model and partnerships to scale ICT.

Steps of becoming a Technology Company

Overall Key Performance Indicators:


New Growth Area

Share of growth from new business areas Ethiopia – successful commercial launch



GSM customer share



Kenyan lives impacted



Total revenue
Operating cash flow