A highlight of the year has been the continued
popularity of our Mobility Scheme for dealers.
With as many as 10 outlets to manage, our
dealers need to be mobile and we help them
achieve this by providing them with subsidised
motorbikes. Dealers invested in an additional
849 motorbikes during the year. Since the
beginning of FY17, there has been a lot of close
focus on Dealers and there have been many
initiatives to support them. Some of the support
programmes include: dealer working capital
financing, county engagements for a healthier
business environment for the partners, dealer
activation van branding support and Joint
market activations.
Recovering commissions paid on withdrawals
and deposits made by customers outside
the permitted 20 kilometre radius of an outlet
remained a source of frustration for agents
during the year and we are considering
implementing velocity checks to mitigate
against the issue. Security is also a concern
for agents with theft and losses from armed
robberies a growing issue and, in response, we
will be rolling out affordable CCTV Cameras
to key M-PESA outlets in the near future. The
first 1,000 cameras will be provided for free to
the top segment of agents while the rest of our
agents will receive the cameras at subsidised
prices. We are also in discussions with insurance
companies to negotiate affordable premiums
for agents to cover their losses.
During the year, we extended our e-cash/
weekend capital financing service to agents
to KES 600 million (that can be borrowed on
Friday and returned the following Monday) and
introduced Float Automation for agents as well,
allowing those who maintain float levels of KES
20,000 and above in 70% of their network to
apply for additional tills automatically instead of
We also expanded our Regional Agent Awards
events during the year and 201 outlets were
awarded KES 27 million in cash prizes.
The supplier portal continued to be a success
during the year, with more suppliers registered
and encouraged to post their invoices before
close of a calendar month for payment the
following 15th day. The CEO also passed an
executive order that all local suppliers be paid
on 30 days after delivery of goods and services
and after receipt of invoice at Safaricom.
FY18 Goals
Segmentation of dealers and their shops to
provide more targeted support and reward.
Rollout of CCTV cameras to agent outlets and
the introduction of affordable insurance to cover
losses from theft.
Increase the weekend capital financing service
for agents to KES 1 billion.
Partnering with banks and micro finance
institutions to offer short-term financing to agents.
Increase participation of Special Interest
Groups (such as women-owned and differently-
abled suppliers) from current level of 2.7% of
procurement opportunities to 10% by 2020.
Include end-of-life e-waste disposal
considerations during procurement deliberations.