Terms and Conditions for the Safaricom Reverse Call Service
The following Terms and Conditions apply to the Safaricom Reverse Call (“the Service”) and by using this Service, you will be deemed to have read, understood, and accepted the same:
1. Eligibility
The Service is open to all individual Safaricom PrePay, Hybrid and PostPay subscribers.
2. Effective Data
These Term and Conditions take effect from 0000hrs on 29th April 2023.
3. How to access the Service
- Reverse Call is a service that allows a customer to make a call with or without airtime and the receiver of the call pays on the caller’s behalf.
- To make a reverse call, you should dial a # followed by the number you wish to call e.g. #07XX XXX XXX.
- When the person receiving answers the call, they will get an announcement requesting them to either accept or decline the reverse call by pressing 1 to accept or 2 to decline. Once they accept, the call will be charged for the call at normal rates.
4. Other Terms of the Service
- The service will only be available for calls within Safaricom network.
- Reverse call will only go through if the person receiving accepts the call.
- The call will be charged to the receiving party and at normal call rates.
- If the person receiving the call declines or does not answer, the call will be disconnected, and the receiving party will not be charged.
- This service will be free to the initiator of the reverse call for up to two requests in a day. Subsequent reverse call requests made within the day (after the first two requests) will be charged an access fee of Ksh. 0.5 per reverse call request.
- The service cannot be used while roaming.
5. Privacy
Safaricom is committed to respecting and protecting the privacy of the information we collect from you in compliance with the applicable laws and obligations on data use and privacy. Our privacy statement, as updated from time to time, explains how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy when you use our Service and can be found on Safaricom Data Privacy Statement.
6. Amendment of the Privacy Terms
Any update or amendment to these Terms and Conditions including privacy terms will be available on the Safaricom website www.safaricom.co.ke and will take effect from the date of notification of the update or amendment.
7. General Terms
- Safaricom reserves the right to amend or vary these Terms and Conditions or to withdraw this Service at any time. In any of these events, notice will be given via media advertisements and will be effective immediately or as at the date referred to in such notifications.
- Save as modified above, these Terms and Conditions are supplemental to and subject to the published Safaricom PrePay and PostPay Service Terms and Conditions, Safaricom PrePay and PostPay Data Bundles and other Services that you may be using.
- These Terms and Conditions are available on safaricom.co.ke.