Amended Terms And Conditions For The Safaricom Content Pass
The following Terms and Conditions apply to the Safaricom Content Pass (“the Service”) and by participating in this Service, you will be deemed to have read, understood and accepted the same:
1. The Service
This Service enables Safaricom subscribers to have an opportunity of enjoying content available on various platforms on the internet with affordable data bundles (“Safaricom Content Pass”).
2. Eligibility
The Service is open to all Safaricom subscribers who have data enabled mobile device.
3. Launch of Service
The Service will launch at 00:00am on 6th September 2020.
4. Amendment of the Service
The Service is amended on 20th July 2022.
5. How to Participate in the Service
Safaricom subscribers with a data enabled device will dial *544*20#.
Select your preferred content pass.
Confirm purchase of your preferred content pass and pay through your airtime or M-Pesa.
You will receive an SMS awarding you with mobile data as well as a direct link to watch the selected show, for example:
“Congrats! You have received XXXMB to watch. The bundle will renew daily for Kshs. xxxx from dd/mm/yyyy. Click link to enjoy.” -
Should a customer exhaust their Content Pass Bundle(s), he/she can purchase top up by Dialling *544*20# and selecting their preferred Content Pass Bundle.
You can opt out of the content pass by dialing *544*35#.
6. Safaricom Content Pass
6.1. YouTube
The following Safaricom YouTube Content Passes are available for purchase:
Price MB Validity Autorenew Ksh 10/= 80MB 24HRS Yes Ksh 20/= 200MB 24HRS No Ksh 50/= 500MB 24HRS No -
The YouTube bundles can be purchased by dialling the shortcode indicated in clause 5 (a).
The Kshs. 10 YouTube bundle will auto renew daily at midnight.
The Kshs. 10 YouTube Bundle can also be purchased by dialling the short codes below to access the Patanisho show and the content creators below:
Bundles Short Code Free Days Validity Patanisho *544*30# 2 Days 24HRS Sema na Gidi *544*31# 1 Day 24HRS Njugush *544*33# 1 Day 24HRS -
The customer will be automatically billed charged Kshs. 10 daily, after their free days are over.
The free access will only be granted once.
The above bundles will enable subscribers watch specific content on YouTube such as Patanisho, Njugush and others.
Depending on your spend on the network, Safaricom may also offer you more free days than highlighted above, to access YouTube.
6.2. Angaza Gospel Music
The following Angaza content passes are available for purchase;
Duration Price MB Validity Daily Ksh 10/= 50MB 24 HRS Weekly Ksh 50/= 300MB 7 Days Monthly ksh 200/= 1.5GB 30 Days -
The daily content passes will auto renew daily at midnight for Kshs. 10.
The content passes can be purchased by dialling the shortcode indicated in clause 5(a).
A message confirming successful purchase will be sent to you, including a link to the Angaza content.
When you click on the link, you will be redirected to the Angaza web page to begin enjoying the Angaza content.
The Angaza content pass will be used to access Angaza content through the Angaza App and the Angaza webpage.
You can set certain songs on the App as your Skiza or My Skiza tune.
6.3 ViuSasa Content Pass
This content pass enables Safaricom subscribers have an opportunity of watching various shows on the Viusasa app using affordable Safaricom data bundles (“Viusasa Pass”).
Safaricom subscribers with a data enabled device can purchase the content pass by dialling the shortcode indicated in clause 5 (a) or *544*25# and select their preferred Viusasa Pass.
Confirm purchase of the Viusasa pass and pay through your airtime.
You will receive an SMS awarding you with 100MB mobile data as well as a direct link to watch the selected show on Viusasa.
The Viusasa pass shall take priority whenever you visit the Viusasa app or webpage. The Viusasa data bundle cannot be used to browse on other sites.
6.4 Showmax
This content pass will enable subscribers access Showmax GE Pass & Showmax Pro Pass by dialling *544*20# and selecting Showmax.
- Customer will get an opportunity to purchase either a Showmax GE pass or a Showmax Pro Pass as indicated in the table below:
Subscription Data Price Validity Showmax GE Pass 1GB 299 30Days Showmax Pro Pass 3GB 1299 30Days -
Should a customer exhaust their Showmax Pass bundles, he/she can purchase top up by dialing *544*20# select “Showmax”. Customer will receive an SMS with a link www.showmax/safaricom customer will click on the link and will be redirected to Showmax page. Customer will select preferred “Showmax Pass”.
The Data bundles can only be used for streaming and accessing videos on Showmax app or website and cannot be used for browsing outside Showmax URLs.
6.5 K24 Plus Pass
The following K24 Plus content passes are available for purchase.
Subscription Data Price Validity K24 Pass 0 40 30 Days K24 Pass with Data 1GB 99 30 Days -
The K24 Plus bundles can only be used for streaming and accessing videos on K24 Plus app or website and cannot be used for browsing outside K24 Plus URLs.
The Monthly K24 Plus Pass is also available on auto renew, and a user who opts for auto-renew can cancel by dialling *544*35# and following the prompts.
7. Validity of the awarded Safaricom Content Pass
The content bundles will expire at the specified validity period and will not roll over.
8. Priority of Usage
The Safaricom Content Pass shall take priority whenever you access content on any platform (both on the app and on the browsers).
9. Other Terms
The Safaricom Content Pass will be used to access content through Apps and any webpage of the particular content.
You can opt out of the Safaricom Content Pass by dialing *544*35#.
The balance of your content pass is available on *544#.
You will receive a prompt when you reach the 10MB and 2MB threshold. Should you opt not to renew your subscription but continue to access any content, you will be charged at the normal data rates which is currently Kshs. 4.30/= per MB.
You cannot share the content pass or transfer (data sambaza) to a third-party device or subscriber. The bundle can only be used by the recipient device.
The content pass cannot be tethered for use on other devices.
10. Privacy
“Personal Information” means personal identifiable information as prescribed in the Data Protection Act which includes but is not limited to name, address, phone number, identification number, location data. -
We are required by law to collect certain personal information and are legally obligated to deny you the service if such information is not availed.
Apart from the legal obligation mentioned above, we also need to collect your Personal Information for quality service delivery. Please note that although this is voluntary, without such information we may not be able to provide quality service. -
We are committed to respecting and protecting the privacy of the information we collect from you. Our privacy statement, as updated from time to time, explains how we treat your personal information, who we share your information with and measures taken protect your privacy when you use our Service. This can be found on Safaricom Data Privacy Statement. If unable to access the link or our website, please reach us on any of our customer care channels to receive a copy. -
When registering a minor as a Safaricom subscriber, a person with parental authority shall open and maintain an account in their name for and on behalf of the minor. For purposes of these Terms and Conditions, a person with parental authority shall include the birth parents of a minor, legal guardian or other person who can demonstrate legitimate authority over the minor’s affairs.
11. Amendment of these Terms
Safaricom reserves the right to amend or vary these Terms and Conditions or to withdraw this Service at any time. In any of these events, notice will be given via media advertisements and will be effective immediately or as at the date referred to in such notifications.
Any update or amendment to these Terms and Conditions including privacy terms will be available on the Safaricom website - and will take effect from the date of notification of the update or amendment.
- These Terms and Conditions are available on