Safaricom Set To Discontinue the Sale of Unlimited Internet Data Bundles
Nairobi, 30th April 2012- Leading integrated communications service provider, Safaricom Limited has today announced that it will, from midnight tonight, discontinue the sale of its Unlimited data bundle product.
The unlimited data bundles, launched last year by Safaricom are designed for Mobile broadband users on their 3G handsets or 3G enabled modems to access unlimited Internet for a set duration of time such as the daily, weekly and monthly variations.
When commenting on the review, Safaricom CEO Bob Collymore indicated that this decision was arrived at after a careful analysis of consumer trends. "As a business, we have found it necessary to focus our energies on providing quality data access to the majority of our internet users. This means that we have to sacrifice the provision of our unlimited bandwidth to a minority whose usage has had a negative impact on the overall data experience."
Mr. Collymore also noted that, "It has always been our position that unlimited internet offerings are better suited for a fixed broadband services such as fibre or WiMax. Since mobile broadband on 3G is designed as a shared resource, the greater the number of internet users at any point in time, the higher the levels of degradation in the quality of service."
Safaricom however reassured its data customers that it will shortly be offering new internet packages to cater for its high volume usage internet customers.
Customers who may have purchased any unlimited data bundle on or before tonight's deadline will enjoy the full use of the purchased bundle for the duration of its validity.
Last month, Safaricom became the first mobile service provider in Kenya to launch the 42 Mbps 3G speeds in selected sites around Nairobi. Safaricom currently holds the position of widest and fastest Internet coverage in the coverage with a customer base of over 5 million internet customers.
Safaricom CEO Bob Collymore Appointed To UN Body
19.04.2012…The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has today announced the appointment of Safaricom's CEO Bob Collymore to the United Nations Global Compact Board. This is seen as recognition of Safaricom's commitment to environmental, sustainability and anti-corruption issues as well as the work it is undertaking to address the Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 on maternal health and child mortality.
The United Nations Global Compact is a voluntary UN initiative that encourages businesses globally to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies. The body which is the world's largest corporate citizenship initiative encourages corporate support for Millennium Development Goals and corporate adherence to human rights, good labour practices, support for the environment and anti-corruption. The Board is chaired by the UN Secretary General a provides high level strategic advice relating to the UN Global Compact and at a more general level, the evolving United Nations-Business relationship.
Mr. Collymore who will serve as an honorary board member for a 3 year term said, "As Safaricom, we feel it is important for companies to report on their operations from a holistic perspective and to report on their sustainability credentials. Corporate governance and ethics are a key factor that underpins a company's reputation,"
Last year, Collymore made a presentation before the UN General Assembly on the Secretary General's Every Woman Every Child Initiative where he highlighted Safaricom's commitment to improve maternal health and reduce child mortality using mobile technology.
Through partnerships with the Government of Kenya and non-profit organizations, the company which has made a commitment to the global strategy for Every Woman Every Child has been able to use technology to improve healthcare.
"In Kenya we have one doctor for every 10,000 patients. Bearing in mind that we have more than 25 million mobile phones and less than 450 hospitals, it goes without saying that mobile technology should be used to create effective solutions for our healthcare challenges. We realize that as a telecommunications company, the use of mobile technology for health purposes can revolutionise society's ability to deliver, access and use health information to promote health, fight disease and respond to medical emergencies," added Collymore who is also currently serving as a Commissioner on a UN Commission on Life-Saving Commodities for Women and Children that is co-chaired by President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria and Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg of Norway.
Safaricom is a signatory to the UN Global Compact and is one of the first Kenyan corporates to sign up for the Code of Ethics of Business in Kenya. The company is also in the process of developing its first Sustainability Report which will be an audit of the company's corporate governance practices.
About the UN Global Compact Board The purpose of the UN Global Compact Board is to provide high-level strategic advice relating to the UN Global Compact and the evolving United Nations-Business relationship more generally.
Drawing in particular on the expertise and recommendations of its business members, the Board also oversees implementation of the Global Compact's integrity measures. Members are appointed by the Secretary General on recommendations from the board Nominating Committee, based on input from the Global Compact Office.
The board is comprised of 30 members as follows:
- at least ten of whom have extensive business experience
- at least four members will have experience from global civil society organizations, one each from the areas of human rights, environment, anti-corruption and development; and
- two members will have labour experience and be nominated by the global trade union movement
Nominees for Board Membership should:
- have a deep understanding of the UN Global Compact and its ten principles;
- have the respect and confidence of their peers and constituencies (if relevant);
- be committed, and have time, to actively participate in the activities of the Board;
- hold or have recently held leadership positions (Chairperson, Chief Executive or other equivalent role) in companies or other organizations.
About Safaricom's health solutions:
Safaricom supports the Kenya Integrated Mobile Maternal Newborn and Child Health Information Platform which is a partnership with The Kenyan Ministry of Health, World Vision, AMREF, Care, NetHope and other NGOs. Its specific objective is to reduce the maternal mortality rate and the mortality rate of children under five.
Safaricom also offers solutions that range from SMS reminders to monitoring and tracking the mothers and children via a mobile interface carried out by community health workers.
We have also started a convenient outpatient savings scheme that enables mothers to save up for their antenatal and postnatal care via M-PESA, our groundbreaking mobile money transfer service.
We are partnering with insurance companies to develop this into a full in-patient insurance scheme – people will be able to pay as little as five cents a day to receive full cover.
We are also partnering with the Ministry of Health to create a mobile phone-based fund management solution which will address a challenge many healthcare workers in remote areas in Kenya face which is the need for quick access to funds and timely feedback in order to run their healthcare facilities smoothly.
Safaricom and Qualcomm Launch the Safaricom 3G Experiential Tour
— Unique Roadshow to Visit Major Cities and Locations Across Kenya, Showcasing Next-generation 3G Services and Devices —
NAIROBI, KENYA — April 11, 2012 — Safaricom and Qualcomm announced today the launch of a one-of-a-kind 'experiential tour' for 3G products and services in Kenya. The Safaricom 3G Experiential Tour will take place from April 14 – June 31. This road show will allow consumers to test-drive 3G devices and experience rich content and speedy Internet access enabled by 3G-enabled mobile Smartphones, PCs and laptops.
"Safaricom is committed to offering our customers the latest services and high-speed mobile data connectivity," said Bob Collymore, CEO of Safaricom. "We are passionate about growing our data services, especially with 3G. The Safaricom 3G Experiential Tour showcases the latest generation of Safaricom's mobile services and the most advanced Smartphones based on Qualcomm's Snapdragon processors. It truly is an exciting mobile computing experience, and we look forward to sharing it with our customers live and in-person."
The road show will take the form of two vans custom-built as 'Mobile Experience Centres.' The road show vans have been fitted with 32-inch screens and laptops with dongles for users to try out 3G services. There will also be a number of live demonstrations of Smartphones using Qualcomm's Snapdragon™ processors, enabling users to do everything from social networking, and HD video to speedy Web browsing and running the latest apps seamlessly. The tour will take place throughout Nairobi, Mombasa, Thika, Nakuru and Kisumu and will visit areas with heavy human traffic including malls, sporting events and universities.
"We are glad to be collaborating with Safaricom on this unique initiative to create awareness of 3G services and the benefits it offers to consumers," said Billy Owino, director of East Africa operations at Qualcomm. "About 95 percent of Kenya's Internet users access the Internet on mobile networks. Qualcomm's Snapdragon processors sharpen this experience by enabling users to do more and recharge less, so they can spend more time watching videos, downloading music, playing games and interacting with friends via social networks."
Consumers will be delighted to experience the exhilaration of mobile computing with Smartphones based on Qualcomm's Snapdragon processor. The Snapdragon processor combines the best elements of a PC, TV and gaming console to provide a quick, smooth, visually stunning and responsive mobile computing experience. Additionally, consumers visiting the experiential vans will have a chance to win Safaricom pre-paid airtime and Internet data bundles though on-the-spot raffles. There will also be a variety of Safaricom and Snapdragon branded giveaways for those who pass by the Mobile Experience Centres.
About Safaricom Safaricom provides a comprehensive range of services under one roof. This includes mobile and fixed voice and data services on a variety of platforms.
It is Kenya's widest and only 3G network with a growing fibre optic cable footprint and its most expansive WiMax presence.
Safaricom also pioneered commercial mobile money transfer globally through M-PESA, the most successful such service anywhere in the world. Safaricom's distribution network consists of over 35 retail shops and over 35,000 agent outlets countrywide.
About Qualcomm Qualcomm Incorporated (NASDAQ: QCOM) is the world leader in 3G and next-generation mobile technologies. For more than 25 years, Qualcomm ideas and inventions have driven the evolution of digital communications, linking people everywhere more closely to information, entertainment and each other. For more information, visit Qualcomm's website, OnQ blog, Twitter and Facebook pages.
Qualcomm is a registered trademark of Qualcomm Incorporated. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Safaricom Contact: Victoria Kaigai. Head of PR & Corporate Communications Email:
Qualcomm Contacts Dan Album, Corporate Communications Phone: 1-858-845-5959 Email:
Warren Kneeshaw, Investor Relations Phone: 1-858-658-4813 Email:
Change of Plans for Mombasa Groove Tour with SKIZA
The Mombasa Leg of the 2012 Groove Tour with SKIZA which was scheduled to take place this Easter weekend at the ASK Showground has been postponed.
Kevin Mulei, founder of the Groove Awards, said "owing to the recent security concerns, we are hesitant to host such a huge event at this festive time." Expressing his regret over the change of plans, Mr Mulei went on to state that, "We shall keep our fans at the Coast updated and indeed they should look forward to a great Groove experience soon." The rest of the Tours are still on track during the month of April, with the Meru Groove Tour with SKIZA on the 14th, Thika 15th and Eldoret on the 22nd.
The Groove Awards with SKIZA 2012 was officially launched on 27th March at the Groove Nomination Night, where the Award's nominees were announced. The build up to the Groove Awards kicked off with an inaugural Groove Tour with SKIZA at Kisumu's Jomo Kenyatta Grounds and was aired live on KTN. The mega concert had thousands of Gospel fans in attendance, with the Groove artistes delivering great performances. The artistes included Gloria Muliro, Dr. Oyaro, Emmy Kosgei, MOG, Eko Dydda, Rose Muhando from Tanzania amongst other Nyanza Gospel Artistes.
"We would like to thank all our partners, the Title sponsors Safaricom, Media Partner KTN, Radar Security, One FM and the Groove Team for their continued support and agreement on this decision." Mr Mulei said.
This year's Groove Awards with SKIZA will be held on 28th April 2012 at the Nairobi Baptist Church.
Mombasa, 3rd April 2012. Safaricom subscribers in sections of Nairobi will from next week access the Internet at much faster speeds of 42 Mbps after upgrading.
Safaricom CEO Bob Collymore said initial roll-out will involve subscribers in the firm's Data Belt within the Central Business District, Kileleshwa, Kilimani and Westlands.
The Data Belt forms an area which has high Internet usage. The 42 Mbps trials started immediately after the launch of 21 Mbps last year.
Mr. Collymore was speaking on the sidelines of a three days Connected Kenya conference being held at the Leisure Lodge. The conference was opened by assistant minister for Information and Technology Mr. Simon Ogari. "At Safaricom, our aim is to 'democratize' the internet and bring it to as many Kenyans as possible. With the launch of this upgrade that allows for faster speeds, we are demonstrating true leadership in this quest," said Mr. Collymore.
He said the move was a direct response to consumer concerns and promised that the firm would continue listening and acting upon user feedback. Mr. Collymore said modems to support the speeds will be available later after the launch of the service. When Safaricom last upgraded its speeds from 7.2 Mbps to 21 Mbps, the consumer data offering also included a Huawei E1820 modem to support the speeds.
Safaricom was the first Kenyan operator to commercially launch a 3G network in October 2007, ensuring that its subscribers accessed high speed mobile data. The technology was initially available in and around Nairobi but was later rolled throughout the country within a year.
The theme of this years' conference is "knowledge and beyond." Mr. Collymore said the country needed to tap into the huge youth population - one of Kenya's richest resources – if by providing them with information.
Kenya's youth unemployment rate is estimated at more than 60 per cent. Although 14 million out of a population of 40 million Kenyans have Internet access this figure represented only 34 per cent of the population. "It is critical that this number increases," said Mr. Collymore.
Nairobi, 30th April 2012- Leading integrated communications service provider, Safaricom Limited has today announced that it will, from midnight tonight, discontinue the sale of its Unlimited data bundle product.
The unlimited data bundles, launched last year by Safaricom are designed for Mobile broadband users on their 3G handsets or 3G enabled modems to access unlimited Internet for a set duration of time such as the daily, weekly and monthly variations.
When commenting on the review, Safaricom CEO Bob Collymore indicated that this decision was arrived at after a careful analysis of consumer trends. "As a business, we have found it necessary to focus our energies on providing quality data access to the majority of our internet users. This means that we have to sacrifice the provision of our unlimited bandwidth to a minority whose usage has had a negative impact on the overall data experience."
Mr. Collymore also noted that, "It has always been our position that unlimited internet offerings are better suited for a fixed broadband services such as fibre or WiMax. Since mobile broadband on 3G is designed as a shared resource, the greater the number of internet users at any point in time, the higher the levels of degradation in the quality of service."
Safaricom however reassured its data customers that it will shortly be offering new internet packages to cater for its high volume usage internet customers.
Customers who may have purchased any unlimited data bundle on or before tonight's deadline will enjoy the full use of the purchased bundle for the duration of its validity.
Last month, Safaricom became the first mobile service provider in Kenya to launch the 42 Mbps 3G speeds in selected sites around Nairobi. Safaricom currently holds the position of widest and fastest Internet coverage in the coverage with a customer base of over 5 million internet customers.
Safaricom CEO Bob Collymore Appointed To UN Body
19.04.2012…The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has today announced the appointment of Safaricom's CEO Bob Collymore to the United Nations Global Compact Board. This is seen as recognition of Safaricom's commitment to environmental, sustainability and anti-corruption issues as well as the work it is undertaking to address the Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 on maternal health and child mortality.
The United Nations Global Compact is a voluntary UN initiative that encourages businesses globally to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies. The body which is the world's largest corporate citizenship initiative encourages corporate support for Millennium Development Goals and corporate adherence to human rights, good labour practices, support for the environment and anti-corruption. The Board is chaired by the UN Secretary General a provides high level strategic advice relating to the UN Global Compact and at a more general level, the evolving United Nations-Business relationship.
Mr. Collymore who will serve as an honorary board member for a 3 year term said, "As Safaricom, we feel it is important for companies to report on their operations from a holistic perspective and to report on their sustainability credentials. Corporate governance and ethics are a key factor that underpins a company's reputation,"
Last year, Collymore made a presentation before the UN General Assembly on the Secretary General's Every Woman Every Child Initiative where he highlighted Safaricom's commitment to improve maternal health and reduce child mortality using mobile technology.
Through partnerships with the Government of Kenya and non-profit organizations, the company which has made a commitment to the global strategy for Every Woman Every Child has been able to use technology to improve healthcare.
"In Kenya we have one doctor for every 10,000 patients. Bearing in mind that we have more than 25 million mobile phones and less than 450 hospitals, it goes without saying that mobile technology should be used to create effective solutions for our healthcare challenges. We realize that as a telecommunications company, the use of mobile technology for health purposes can revolutionise society's ability to deliver, access and use health information to promote health, fight disease and respond to medical emergencies," added Collymore who is also currently serving as a Commissioner on a UN Commission on Life-Saving Commodities for Women and Children that is co-chaired by President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria and Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg of Norway.
Safaricom is a signatory to the UN Global Compact and is one of the first Kenyan corporates to sign up for the Code of Ethics of Business in Kenya. The company is also in the process of developing its first Sustainability Report which will be an audit of the company's corporate governance practices.
About the UN Global Compact Board The purpose of the UN Global Compact Board is to provide high-level strategic advice relating to the UN Global Compact and the evolving United Nations-Business relationship more generally.
Drawing in particular on the expertise and recommendations of its business members, the Board also oversees implementation of the Global Compact's integrity measures. Members are appointed by the Secretary General on recommendations from the board Nominating Committee, based on input from the Global Compact Office.
The board is comprised of 30 members as follows:
- at least ten of whom have extensive business experience
- at least four members will have experience from global civil society organizations, one each from the areas of human rights, environment, anti-corruption and development; and
- two members will have labour experience and be nominated by the global trade union movement
Nominees for Board Membership should:
- have a deep understanding of the UN Global Compact and its ten principles;
- have the respect and confidence of their peers and constituencies (if relevant);
- be committed, and have time, to actively participate in the activities of the Board;
- hold or have recently held leadership positions (Chairperson, Chief Executive or other equivalent role) in companies or other organizations.
About Safaricom's health solutions:
Safaricom supports the Kenya Integrated Mobile Maternal Newborn and Child Health Information Platform which is a partnership with The Kenyan Ministry of Health, World Vision, AMREF, Care, NetHope and other NGOs. Its specific objective is to reduce the maternal mortality rate and the mortality rate of children under five.
Safaricom also offers solutions that range from SMS reminders to monitoring and tracking the mothers and children via a mobile interface carried out by community health workers.
We have also started a convenient outpatient savings scheme that enables mothers to save up for their antenatal and postnatal care via M-PESA, our groundbreaking mobile money transfer service.
We are partnering with insurance companies to develop this into a full in-patient insurance scheme – people will be able to pay as little as five cents a day to receive full cover.
We are also partnering with the Ministry of Health to create a mobile phone-based fund management solution which will address a challenge many healthcare workers in remote areas in Kenya face which is the need for quick access to funds and timely feedback in order to run their healthcare facilities smoothly.
Safaricom and Qualcomm Launch the Safaricom 3G Experiential Tour
— Unique Roadshow to Visit Major Cities and Locations Across Kenya, Showcasing Next-generation 3G Services and Devices —
NAIROBI, KENYA — April 11, 2012 — Safaricom and Qualcomm announced today the launch of a one-of-a-kind 'experiential tour' for 3G products and services in Kenya. The Safaricom 3G Experiential Tour will take place from April 14 – June 31. This road show will allow consumers to test-drive 3G devices and experience rich content and speedy Internet access enabled by 3G-enabled mobile Smartphones, PCs and laptops.
"Safaricom is committed to offering our customers the latest services and high-speed mobile data connectivity," said Bob Collymore, CEO of Safaricom. "We are passionate about growing our data services, especially with 3G. The Safaricom 3G Experiential Tour showcases the latest generation of Safaricom's mobile services and the most advanced Smartphones based on Qualcomm's Snapdragon processors. It truly is an exciting mobile computing experience, and we look forward to sharing it with our customers live and in-person."
The road show will take the form of two vans custom-built as 'Mobile Experience Centres.' The road show vans have been fitted with 32-inch screens and laptops with dongles for users to try out 3G services. There will also be a number of live demonstrations of Smartphones using Qualcomm's Snapdragon™ processors, enabling users to do everything from social networking, and HD video to speedy Web browsing and running the latest apps seamlessly. The tour will take place throughout Nairobi, Mombasa, Thika, Nakuru and Kisumu and will visit areas with heavy human traffic including malls, sporting events and universities.
"We are glad to be collaborating with Safaricom on this unique initiative to create awareness of 3G services and the benefits it offers to consumers," said Billy Owino, director of East Africa operations at Qualcomm. "About 95 percent of Kenya's Internet users access the Internet on mobile networks. Qualcomm's Snapdragon processors sharpen this experience by enabling users to do more and recharge less, so they can spend more time watching videos, downloading music, playing games and interacting with friends via social networks."
Consumers will be delighted to experience the exhilaration of mobile computing with Smartphones based on Qualcomm's Snapdragon processor. The Snapdragon processor combines the best elements of a PC, TV and gaming console to provide a quick, smooth, visually stunning and responsive mobile computing experience. Additionally, consumers visiting the experiential vans will have a chance to win Safaricom pre-paid airtime and Internet data bundles though on-the-spot raffles. There will also be a variety of Safaricom and Snapdragon branded giveaways for those who pass by the Mobile Experience Centres.
About Safaricom Safaricom provides a comprehensive range of services under one roof. This includes mobile and fixed voice and data services on a variety of platforms.
It is Kenya's widest and only 3G network with a growing fibre optic cable footprint and its most expansive WiMax presence.
Safaricom also pioneered commercial mobile money transfer globally through M-PESA, the most successful such service anywhere in the world. Safaricom's distribution network consists of over 35 retail shops and over 35,000 agent outlets countrywide.
About Qualcomm Qualcomm Incorporated (NASDAQ: QCOM) is the world leader in 3G and next-generation mobile technologies. For more than 25 years, Qualcomm ideas and inventions have driven the evolution of digital communications, linking people everywhere more closely to information, entertainment and each other. For more information, visit Qualcomm's website, OnQ blog, Twitter and Facebook pages.
Qualcomm is a registered trademark of Qualcomm Incorporated. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Safaricom Contact: Victoria Kaigai. Head of PR & Corporate Communications Email:
Qualcomm Contacts Dan Album, Corporate Communications Phone: 1-858-845-5959 Email:
Warren Kneeshaw, Investor Relations Phone: 1-858-658-4813 Email:
Change of Plans for Mombasa Groove Tour with SKIZA
The Mombasa Leg of the 2012 Groove Tour with SKIZA which was scheduled to take place this Easter weekend at the ASK Showground has been postponed.
Kevin Mulei, founder of the Groove Awards, said "owing to the recent security concerns, we are hesitant to host such a huge event at this festive time." Expressing his regret over the change of plans, Mr Mulei went on to state that, "We shall keep our fans at the Coast updated and indeed they should look forward to a great Groove experience soon." The rest of the Tours are still on track during the month of April, with the Meru Groove Tour with SKIZA on the 14th, Thika 15th and Eldoret on the 22nd.
The Groove Awards with SKIZA 2012 was officially launched on 27th March at the Groove Nomination Night, where the Award's nominees were announced. The build up to the Groove Awards kicked off with an inaugural Groove Tour with SKIZA at Kisumu's Jomo Kenyatta Grounds and was aired live on KTN. The mega concert had thousands of Gospel fans in attendance, with the Groove artistes delivering great performances. The artistes included Gloria Muliro, Dr. Oyaro, Emmy Kosgei, MOG, Eko Dydda, Rose Muhando from Tanzania amongst other Nyanza Gospel Artistes.
"We would like to thank all our partners, the Title sponsors Safaricom, Media Partner KTN, Radar Security, One FM and the Groove Team for their continued support and agreement on this decision." Mr Mulei said.
This year's Groove Awards with SKIZA will be held on 28th April 2012 at the Nairobi Baptist Church.
Mombasa, 3rd April 2012. Safaricom subscribers in sections of Nairobi will from next week access the Internet at much faster speeds of 42 Mbps after upgrading.
Safaricom CEO Bob Collymore said initial roll-out will involve subscribers in the firm's Data Belt within the Central Business District, Kileleshwa, Kilimani and Westlands.
The Data Belt forms an area which has high Internet usage. The 42 Mbps trials started immediately after the launch of 21 Mbps last year.
Mr. Collymore was speaking on the sidelines of a three days Connected Kenya conference being held at the Leisure Lodge. The conference was opened by assistant minister for Information and Technology Mr. Simon Ogari. "At Safaricom, our aim is to 'democratize' the internet and bring it to as many Kenyans as possible. With the launch of this upgrade that allows for faster speeds, we are demonstrating true leadership in this quest," said Mr. Collymore.
He said the move was a direct response to consumer concerns and promised that the firm would continue listening and acting upon user feedback. Mr. Collymore said modems to support the speeds will be available later after the launch of the service. When Safaricom last upgraded its speeds from 7.2 Mbps to 21 Mbps, the consumer data offering also included a Huawei E1820 modem to support the speeds.
Safaricom was the first Kenyan operator to commercially launch a 3G network in October 2007, ensuring that its subscribers accessed high speed mobile data. The technology was initially available in and around Nairobi but was later rolled throughout the country within a year.
The theme of this years' conference is "knowledge and beyond." Mr. Collymore said the country needed to tap into the huge youth population - one of Kenya's richest resources – if by providing them with information.
Kenya's youth unemployment rate is estimated at more than 60 per cent. Although 14 million out of a population of 40 million Kenyans have Internet access this figure represented only 34 per cent of the population. "It is critical that this number increases," said Mr. Collymore.