Safaricom Announces 5 Million sponsorship for Diabetes Walk

6th June 2012.. Leading integrated communications company, Safaricom Limited has today announced a KSh5 million sponsorship for this year's Diabetes walk slated to take place on the 7th of July and Mombasa on the 21st of the same month. Safaricom is sponsoring this event for the 7th year with the organisers hoping to raise Ksh12 million.

The Diabetes Management and Information Centre (DMI) has organised the walk to raise funds for the supply of free insulin to economically disadvantaged children and to create awareness around diabetes.

Kenya has an estimated diabetes prevalence rate of 4.5% which is about 1.8 million people and is predicted to rise to 5.4% by 2025. In addition, the number of juvenile diabetes incidents is on the rise with a reported prevalence range of between 2.7% in the rural groups and 12.7% in urban areas.

These statistics, says Safaricom CEO Bob Collymore, should be a cause for concern, "The emotional and economic burden that juvenile diabetes places on families can be overwhelming. Yet with proper information, this condition is both manageable and preventable. Our support for this initiative is therefore an acknowledgement of the important role DMI is playing in sensitizing the public on what I believe is one of the most understated yet devastating diseases," said Mr. Collymore.

The Executive Director of Kenya Diabetes Management Institute Ms. Eva Muchemi noted the detrimental role lack of access due to high costs plays in the fight against diabetes.

"Lack of access to insulin due to high costs remains the most common cause of death in children with diabetes. The cost remains as high as KSh1,800 in private pharmacies whereas in public hospitals where the cost is between Kes.200 and Kes.500, there is a serious shortage. Insulin is a lifesaving drug and the Centre's long term plan is to establish a fund which will assist with subsidized insulin for everybody below 25 years," said Ms. Muchemi.

Every 10 seconds a person dies from diabetes-related complications in the world. As of 2011, there were an estimated 385 million people with diabetes globally. Of this, 80% live in low-income and middle income countries. It is estimated that diabetes kills as many as 3.5 million people every year-as many people as does HIV/AIDS, moreover, the burden of diabetes is on the increase in developing economies.

The Diabetes Walk is an annual event hosted by the Diabetes Management Institute to raise funds that help in sustaining the insulin bank for children below 18 years of age who are unable to purchase insulin, create awareness and training on diabetes. The Centre has been holding the diabetes walk since 2001. Safaricom Ltd has been sponsoring the walk since 2005. The walk targets school children and members of the public.


About Safaricom

Safaricom provides a comprehensive range of services under one roof. This includes mobile and fixed voice and data services on a variety of platforms. With annual revenues in excess of Ksh100 billion, it is Kenya's widest 3G network with a growing fibre optic cable footprint and its most expansive WIMAX presence.

Safaricom pioneered commercial mobile money transfer globally through M-PESA, the most successful such service anywhere in the world. Launched in March 2007 as a money transfer service, it now has over 15 million customers and over 37,000 Agent outlets countrywide.

About DMI

The Kenya Diabetes Management & Information Centre (DMI Centre) is a not-for-profit registered medical charity founded in May 1999, with the aim to educate the public about diabetes due to the alarm raised by the International Diabetes Federation and practising diabetologists about the global rising numbers of people diagnosed with the condition.

One of its core aims is to develop a comprehensive diabetes education programme which will help to improve the understanding of diabetes and create more public awareness on diagnosis, care, control and predisposing factors.

The Centre in partnership with various organisations and corporate entities has undertaken various community-based activities since inception. These are promoted in areas with great need, sometimes way out of the main town centres where such services are most appreciated. The bulk of the activities is prevention, both primary and secondary and for the diabetics, good management to avoid complications. In the areas covered, new cases have been diagnosed, some being admitted as emergencies. Through the free screening camps, data collected so far indicates that the biggest percentage of those diagnosed has been in the last five years (44.5%).

The Centre has been holding the diabetes walk since 2001.Safaricom Ltd has been sponsoring the walk since 2005. There is a great hype for 1-2 months preceding the Walk and targeted groups and education institutions are visited and talks given.

Funds raised helps in sustaining the insulin bank for children below 18 years of age who are unable to purchase insulin throughout the country, create awareness and training on diabetes.

6th June 2012.. Leading integrated communications company, Safaricom Limited has today announced a KSh5 million sponsorship for this year's Diabetes walk slated to take place on the 7th of July and Mombasa on the 21st of the same month. Safaricom is sponsoring this event for the 7th year with the organisers hoping to raise Ksh12 million.

The Diabetes Management and Information Centre (DMI) has organised the walk to raise funds for the supply of free insulin to economically disadvantaged children and to create awareness around diabetes.

Kenya has an estimated diabetes prevalence rate of 4.5% which is about 1.8 million people and is predicted to rise to 5.4% by 2025. In addition, the number of juvenile diabetes incidents is on the rise with a reported prevalence range of between 2.7% in the rural groups and 12.7% in urban areas.

These statistics, says Safaricom CEO Bob Collymore, should be a cause for concern, "The emotional and economic burden that juvenile diabetes places on families can be overwhelming. Yet with proper information, this condition is both manageable and preventable. Our support for this initiative is therefore an acknowledgement of the important role DMI is playing in sensitizing the public on what I believe is one of the most understated yet devastating diseases," said Mr. Collymore.

The Executive Director of Kenya Diabetes Management Institute Ms. Eva Muchemi noted the detrimental role lack of access due to high costs plays in the fight against diabetes.

"Lack of access to insulin due to high costs remains the most common cause of death in children with diabetes. The cost remains as high as KSh1,800 in private pharmacies whereas in public hospitals where the cost is between Kes.200 and Kes.500, there is a serious shortage. Insulin is a lifesaving drug and the Centre's long term plan is to establish a fund which will assist with subsidized insulin for everybody below 25 years," said Ms. Muchemi.

Every 10 seconds a person dies from diabetes-related complications in the world. As of 2011, there were an estimated 385 million people with diabetes globally. Of this, 80% live in low-income and middle income countries. It is estimated that diabetes kills as many as 3.5 million people every year-as many people as does HIV/AIDS, moreover, the burden of diabetes is on the increase in developing economies.

The Diabetes Walk is an annual event hosted by the Diabetes Management Institute to raise funds that help in sustaining the insulin bank for children below 18 years of age who are unable to purchase insulin, create awareness and training on diabetes. The Centre has been holding the diabetes walk since 2001. Safaricom Ltd has been sponsoring the walk since 2005. The walk targets school children and members of the public.


About Safaricom

Safaricom provides a comprehensive range of services under one roof. This includes mobile and fixed voice and data services on a variety of platforms. With annual revenues in excess of Ksh100 billion, it is Kenya's widest 3G network with a growing fibre optic cable footprint and its most expansive WIMAX presence.

Safaricom pioneered commercial mobile money transfer globally through M-PESA, the most successful such service anywhere in the world. Launched in March 2007 as a money transfer service, it now has over 15 million customers and over 37,000 Agent outlets countrywide.

About DMI

The Kenya Diabetes Management & Information Centre (DMI Centre) is a not-for-profit registered medical charity founded in May 1999, with the aim to educate the public about diabetes due to the alarm raised by the International Diabetes Federation and practising diabetologists about the global rising numbers of people diagnosed with the condition.

One of its core aims is to develop a comprehensive diabetes education programme which will help to improve the understanding of diabetes and create more public awareness on diagnosis, care, control and predisposing factors.

The Centre in partnership with various organisations and corporate entities has undertaken various community-based activities since inception. These are promoted in areas with great need, sometimes way out of the main town centres where such services are most appreciated. The bulk of the activities is prevention, both primary and secondary and for the diabetics, good management to avoid complications. In the areas covered, new cases have been diagnosed, some being admitted as emergencies. Through the free screening camps, data collected so far indicates that the biggest percentage of those diagnosed has been in the last five years (44.5%).

The Centre has been holding the diabetes walk since 2001.Safaricom Ltd has been sponsoring the walk since 2005. There is a great hype for 1-2 months preceding the Walk and targeted groups and education institutions are visited and talks given.

Funds raised helps in sustaining the insulin bank for children below 18 years of age who are unable to purchase insulin throughout the country, create awareness and training on diabetes.

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