Our ethics and values are the principles and standards that guide our behaviour
as employees and individuals. We use an independent ethics perception survey
and preventative measures like our continuous ethics awareness and staff anti-
corruption training programmes to monitor and manage the ethical culture within
Ethics awareness sessions
We conduct regular ethics awareness sessions with staff every year. The focus
of these sessions is to address any concerns revealed by the ethics perception
survey. The survey is an independent assessment of the opinions of our internal
and external stakeholders conducted by the Ethics Institute of South Africa every
two years. The latest survey was conducted during the previous reporting period.
Topics covered during ethics awareness sessions throughout the year included
sexual misconduct, gifts and conflicts of interest.
Staff ethics training
Every member of staff is expected to attend ethics training at least once a
year. Most of the training is undertaken through face-to face-sessions and
supplemented by e-learning courses. The awareness training is tailored to address
the specific ethics risks faced by the attendees. For high risk departments, the
training focuses on anti-corruption and bribery.
Anti-corruption preventative measures
FY17 FY16 FY15
Ethics and anti-corruption staff training (% of total staff)
98% 94%
High risk departments*
98% 98% 97%
Medium risk departments
98% 98% 83%
* Due to the nature of their work, these departments are more susceptible to fraud
† We consider 98% to be satisfactory, given the logistics of planned and unplanned staff absences.
We are pleased to report that we achieved a 98% attendance rate again this
year. This is attributable to an understanding across the business regarding the
importance of the sessions. We are finding that process owners now readily
welcome the sessions and, in some cases, even request them.
Business partner ethics training
We continued to promote ethical business practices and principles throughout
our value chain and the wider business ecosystem in Kenya during the year.
Our CEO is a committed member of the Businesses Against Corruption in Kenya
(BACK) initiative and we participated in the Siemens Anti-Corruption Collaborative
Action initiative. We also reviewed the syllabus and training materials used by the
UNGC for its good governance and anti-corruption training sessions for small-
to-medium sized businesses. We held ethics sessions and fraud training with our
M-PESA agents, dealers and suppliers. We supplemented the sessions with ethics-
related newsletters. Topics covered included anti money laundering, how to
safeguard against fraud and the new Bribery Act. We also continue to make it
mandatory for our suppliers to sign up to the Code of Ethics for Businesses in Kenya
(contracts are not renewed unless they do so) and, to date, 317or 98% of suppliers
with running contracts have signed up.
SDG 16
SDG 17