Safaricom Sustainability Report 2016
On the whole, our staff complement is evenly split between men and women, although the number of women in senior
management positions remains relatively low.
Overall, employee morale is high and stable, despite a year of significant internal reorganisation and change in response to
the new company strategy. According to our most recent our ‘People Survey’, the overwhelming majority of our colleagues
(approximately 75%) are happy with employment conditions at the company, in general, and reasonably motivated or
engaged with their work.
This overall perception of morale is supported by a staff turnover of only 5.6%, which has been pretty much the same for
the last two years. The character of our workforce changed little during the year as well. Our staff complement increased
slightly, but not significantly, to 4,287* permanent employees and the gender ratio remained stable.
* The Annual Report disclosed 4,258 employees. Subsequent to its publication the number was assured as 4287 employees.
What are their needs and expectations of us?
Staff are able to voice their needs and expectations through a variety of channels, including the annual People Survey, the
Staff Council and the Sema na CEO (“speak with the CEO”) chat room.
Among the specific issues raised by employees during the year were concerns regarding the effectiveness of the new
approach to Performance Development Reviews (PDRs) and the small number of mortgage schemes with low interest rates
negotiated by the company. Both issues have been reviewed and appropriate solutions are being sought.
Maintaining a safe working environment
We take our responsibility to maintain a safe working environment for staff and contractors very seriously and regret to report
three fatalities this year: two contractors and a third party. The two contractor deaths were caused by falls while working at
height and the third party death was the result of a road traffic accident. The two Lost Time Injuries (LTIs) reported during the
year were injuries sustained in road traffic accidents as well.
Overall, our employees are still young, dynamic Kenyans, with 67% of our workforce in their 30s, 13% still in their 20s and 85%
of our workforce employed in Nairobi.
50 - 59
40 - 49
30 - 39
20 - 29
Age Bracket (Years)
For further, detailed information regarding our
employee survey, workforce demographics and
OSH-related information, please visit the companion
website for this report at