Relevant Products and Services

Over the last 18 years, we have evolved from a voice and text outfit to walk the extra mile in the digital journey in order to deliver cutting-edge products and services to our customers. We have invested in developing an insight of our customers’ needs, wants and behaviours, and are providing propositions to lead in chosen segments including the Segment of One.

We have embraced a new level of targeting and rejected the outdated view of customers as large, indistinct, and coherent segments. To tailor offerings to specific customer needs, we are employing analytical marketing, mining the Big Data already at our disposal to respond continually to the behaviour of individuals and market micro-segments. We have found this to be cost-effective as investment can increasingly be channeled productively, rather than wasted through overly simplistic assumptions about the general market.

Powered by data analytics, we are using segmentation to offer relevant products cognizant of the reality that each customer cluster has a different addressable value. Subscribers constantly connect to our networks through voice, SMS, M-PESA and other smartphone interactions, and hence we have access to huge quantities of data. Our vision is to manage it effectively.

We now offer value propositions tailored to each target customer’s needs. We mine the data we have at the deepest level possible in order to deliver our segmentation proposition to the most granular detail possible.

We have moved from the aggregate to the unique customer level in our targeting efforts. We are identifying pockets of value in the market in order to better customise their experience. We strive to complement the quality of network experience with personalised products and pricing offers resulting in customers getting much more to use by paying a little more.

These personalised offers drove reduction of our effective pricing for data and SMS by 29% and 12% respectively, with voice prices remaining flat. Effective data prices are down more than 60% over the last four years as we focus on improving the value we offer to our customers.