Leaving No One Behind

Fastest – Safaricom was in October 2017 named the fastest mobile network by speed test website Ookla. We achieved a speed score of 19.80, with the second fastest network achieving 15.12 and the third 8.62.

The speed score incorporates a measure of each provider’s download and upload speed to rank network speed performance.

The Energy Management System has enabled the automation of measuring and monitoring of fuel and electric consumption in the Base Transceiver Stations. This system is able to accurately capture the power usage, hence ensuring 100% accountability and reduction of diesel pilferage, which is currently estimated at 25%. There is also replacement of the old and inefficient power systems with modern, more efficient ones, which would raise efficiency to 95 % from 90 % or less.

In 2018, Safaricom implemented the roll-out of 90 new High Speed 3G base stations in marginalised areas, making it possible for Kenyans in rural areas to access high-speed broadband. The counties covered in the County Broadband Initiative were: Wajir, Turkana,West Pokot, Garissa, Elgeyo-Marakwet and Isiolo.

The County Broadband Initiative ties back to Safaricom’s commitment to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, specifically Goal 9 that seeks to “Build resilient infrastructure,
promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation. We seek to contribute towards achievement of one of the goal’s priorities, which is to increase the population covered by a mobile network and by technology.