Corporate Governance


We remain committed to the highest standards of corporate governance and business ethics. Good corporate governance practices are essential to the delivery of long term and sustainable stakeholder and shareholder value.

The company continues to adhere to its obligations as a public listed entity in Kenya in compliance with the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) Code of Corporate Governance Practices for Issuers of Securities to the Public, 2015, In this regard, the Company undertook a review of its level of compliance as at 31 July 2017, with the provisions of the CMA Code of Corporate Governance for Issuers of Securities to the Public, 2015 and submitted its report to the CMA for review.
The company also adheres to other regulations promulgated by the CMA and the Nairobi Securities Exchange and the ethical standards prescribed in the Company Code of Conduct. In addition, Safaricom abides by the tenets of the Constitution of Kenya and all other laws as a law-abiding corporate citizen.

We believe that good corporate governance is critical, not only at the corporate level but also at the national level. We require our partners to adhere to the highest level of integrity and business ethics in their dealings with us or with other entities. In the financial year under review, we continued to achieve high levels of corporate governance by focusing on the following areas:

  • Continuing to implement our strategy for the long-term prosperity of the business
  • Timely and relevant disclosures and financial reporting to our shareholders and other stakeholders for a clear understanding of our business operations and performance
  • Ensuring execution of strong audit procedures, audit independence and continuously enforcing strong
    internationally recognised accounting principles
  • Focus on clearly defined board and management duties and responsibilities
  • Ensuring director competencies through induction for new directors and on-going trainings for all directors
  • Focusing on compliance with relevant laws and upholding the highest