Our Solutions

Leased capacities

Get leased circuits that are end to end managed bandwidth services that provide customers with dedicated bandwidth for data, voice and video. Global POPs coverage via valued and trusted partners. Our ON-Net POPS are available in: Nairobi, Mombasa, Kampala, London, Fujairah. We are also part of the Vodafone global network

  • For Your Customers- Leased capacities
  • For Your Business- leased capacities
  • Product Options- Leased Capacities

  • Protected service via network rings to guarantee business availability and continuity.
  • Wide selection of bandwidth and interfaces for seamless integration.

  • Cross border connectivity for wider reach and network coverage that caters for the strategic global business missions.
  • Dedicated end to end links that guarantees security.
  • Various IRUs offered to match business flexibility and requirements.

  • Optical DWDM backhaul transport.
  • International MPLS.
  • International private leased circuit.
  • Point to point, Back-haul and Long-haul services.
  • SDH on E1, DS3, STM 1, STM 4, STM 16, STM 64.
  • Ethernet interface Services on IPLC requirements.
  • Capacity facing IS 901 and IS 902 satellites.

Our Solutions:


Automatically make and receive telephone calls, data, or access other services while travelling outs...

Leased capacities
Our Solutions:

Leased capacities

Get leased circuits that are end to end managed bandwidth services that provide customers with dedic...

Data Centre

Data Centre

Safaricom’s data centre services brings a wealth of capabilities to your business with our flexibl...

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