Why Choose Us

Safaricom Wholesale is a key wholesale market player offering a comprehensive mix of Telecommunication solutions. Our Infrastructure and expertise positions Safaricom Wholesale as a premier solutions provider both regionally and internationally.


When you partner with us you will have at your service:

  • Expansive geographic coverage:

    with seamless connection to the best networks globally. We also provide Regional network with Local support in addition to coverage to remote areas using latest technologies in Microwave/Ceragon and Satellite

  • Access to 24×7 Network Operations Centre (NOC to NOC support) with a state of the art NOC facility:
    • ISO 20000 Certified: This certification provides assurance that service requirements by the Safaricom NOC will be fulfilled consistently and in a satisfactory manner – A third party (ISO) has verified this.
    • The Safaricom NOC IT Service Management is based on the ITIL framework. ITIL is the most widely accepted approach to IT service management in the world.
    • Up to date Policy and Procedure documents that govern our management of alarms, faults and incidents.
  • Access to world class expertise

    Your partner of choice with both certified and Telecom Wholesale market experienced teams.

  • State of the art Data Centres:
    • Three Tier 3 Data Centres in Kenya.
    • Our Data Centres are located in Thika, Nairobi, Kisumu and Mombasa.
    • Open access meet-me-rooms.
    • Caged space: This gives you VIP treatment depending on your needs.
    • Hands and Eyes on site: 24/7 on site engineers.
    • Connectivity from multiple Carriers (Liquid Telecom, Jamii Telecomunications and Access Kenya).
    • Dual power supply (Power rating at 2000KVA) with standby generators for each power supply.
  • Access to Safaricom’s extensive fibre reach:
    • Over 3200km of metro fibre in Kenya, covering all counties.
    • Over 2000km of overhead & 4000km of underground backbone fibre.
    • Capacity through Moyale to Djibouti.
    • Access to over 10,000km of fibre across Eastern Africa.
    • Connected over 1000 commercial buildings with fibre in Kenya.

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