Safaricom 2023 Sustainable Business Report

92 OUR BUSINESS KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2023 OUR STAKEHOLDERS INCREASED MEDIA INTEREST IN SUSTAINABILITY Increasing media attention on sustainability-related issues is evidenced by the significant increase in the public relations value of issues focused on the Safaricom Foundation and Ndoto Zetu from KSh 567 007 330 in FY22 to KSh 608 576 090 in FY23. While there is an interest in sustainability content, there are no sustainability-focused journalists. We plan to overcome this by helping journalists become more fully immersed in the context. Following a previous redesign of our website to make it easier for users from an experience perspective and the linking the website to our digital transaction sites, website usage remained constant. Pleasingly our position (the average ranking of a website URL for queries) improved from 11.4 to 9.2 y-o-y. SUSTAINABILITY MENTIONS IN THE MEDIA FY23 Media type M-PESA Foundation Safaricom Foundation/Ndoto Zetu Sustainable Business Report Print 22 40 14 TV 35 94 10 Radio 98 251 50 Online 90 120 36 Total number 245 505 110 PR value (KSh) 160 429 560 608 576 090 35 335 590 WEBSITE PERFORMANCE FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Total users 524 544 783 134 4 167 205 4 164 409 Sessions 714 511 1 106 644 6 620 309 6 025 871 Bounce rate* 27.59% 23.04% 24.18% 31.39% Average session duration 1 min 28 secs 1 min 29 secs 1 min 39 secs 1 min 37 secs Page views 1 183 813 2 2 133 177 11 335 918 9 991 608 Avg. page load time (secs) 12.71 11.39 14.25 15.60 Clicks 434 000 490 000 5 822 375 7 044 097 Impression 3 710 000 4 990 000 66 053764 81 160 682 Average web-site position** 11.9 9.1 11.4 9.2 * The percentage of all sessions on the site in which users viewed only a single page and triggered only a single request to the analytics server ** The average ranking of a website URL for the query/ queries FUTURE FOCUS • Immerse media on stories before they are released to help journalists flesh out the key focus areas for their stories and content. • Sponsor media house activities that link towards sustainability initiatives i.e., tree planting and CSR projects etc. • Engage more closely with Ethiopian media for publicity and to build rapport