Safaricom 2023 Sustainable Business Report

88 OUR BUSINESS KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2023 OUR STAKEHOLDERS FUTURE FOCUS Suppliers: • Hold the next Safaricom Supplier Day early in the next financial year. • Accelerate supplier sign-up to the UNGC Code of Ethics. • Conduct physical, rather than desk-top, audits on supplier premises to ensure compliance to labour and human rights regulations. • Drive supplier carbon neutrality by supporting them in setting science-based targets and establishing carbon reduction initiatives. Dealers: • Avail MobiGo specialised devices. (This subsidised, affordable device has no calling functionality, but enables dealers to acquire customers). • Expand the product range that dealers can sell. • Continue automating our services to give our dealers a great digital experience while improving efficiency. • Intensify our focus on providing an omni channel experience. Agents: • Implement more engagements to ensure all aspects of the agency business are streamlined. • Continuously automate our services to give our partners a great digital experience while improving efficiency. • Provide an omni channel experience to our partners and customers.