Safaricom 2023 Sustainable Business Report

87 OUR BUSINESS KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS PATHWAY TO A PURPOSE-LED TECHNOLOGY COMPANY OUR STAKEHOLDERS Other ways we support agents include: • Running quarterly training sessions for our agents, both virtual and physical. In addition, the Territory Business Leads conduct training for sub agents. • Holding six forums in FY23 which were attended by 2 014 agents. • Helping more agents become digital through the M-PESA app. There are currently 100 000 users on the app, representing a significant increase from the previous low of 10 000 users. • Providing loan facilities to our agents and sub agents to ensure smooth running of their business. We advanced float financing to 1,400 agents through a revolving fund of KSh 850 million. To complement agents’ e-float, we have partnered with financial institutions such as Stanbic and KCB to finance M-PESA agent businesses through Mjeki (Stanbic) and KCB Float at an average of six months of their commission amounts. • Developing a service response (SR) queue for arbitrage appeals. In the past, agents would raise arbitrage appeals through emails. This was difficult to track leading to some appeals being left unattended. The SR queue enables us to track the number of appeals that have been raised, which ones have been resolved and which ones are pending and for how long. • Incentivising agents through our Stawisha Biashara programme (“enhance/grow your business”), whereby agents receive a point for every 1 000 transactions conducted. There were 8 437 240 259.93 transactions with a value of KSh 333 811 000. • Empowering agents to sell fixed wireless access and 4G devices. • Enhancing the customer withdrawal journey by introducing store numbers. Year-on- year, this led to a reduction of approximately two thirds in the number of reversal escalations – from 3,446 in April 2022 to 1,179 in March 2023. A key highlight was the 99% compliance achieved in geo blocking of tills. After geo location, tills can only operate in authorised locations. If a till is moved to a different location it stops working until when it is returned to the authorised location. This has in turn led to a reduction in fraud cases resulting from theft of tills and increased compliance from a regulatory point of view. It has also enabled the identification of areas of opportunity based on the current tills operating in a market. Another important development was the collection of Know Your Customer (KYC) documents using a digital platform. Previously collection of KYC was through submission of physical documents every two years. To reduce paper usage and carbon footprint, as well as enhance efficiency through digitisation, we automated the KYC collection exercise. By year end, 88% of our agents had submitted their KYC documents. NUMBER OF M-PESA AGENTS FY20 FY22 FY21 FY23 173 259 247 869 262 004 262 309 AGENT SUPPORT TEAM Responsible for all escalations raised through email. They also work on automations to enable partners to be more self-reliant. L300 CALL CENTRE Handles escalations raised on call. They offer first-level resolution which is escalated to second-level support (agent support, finance, IT etc) on matters that require further trouble shooting. TERRITORY BUSINESS LEADS Handle escalations from the trade and forwards to agent support, finance and IT, among others.