Safaricom 2023 Sustainable Business Report

80 OUR BUSINESS KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2023 OUR STAKEHOLDERS PROMOTING SAFETY AND WELLBEING Safaricom achieved a fatality free year of operations and incidents reported declined by 20% y-o-y. This positive performance was attributable to embedding a zero-harm culture and ensuring visible, felt leadership reinforced by daily road safety messages on staff bulletins, monthly safety webinars, safety noticeboards in all premises and ongoing ‘kaa chonjo’ (“stay alert”) messages. Near misses, unsafe acts and conditions reporting enabled root cause analysis and the development of effective preventative and correction actions to prevent recurrence. In addition, incident reviews (learning from incidents) were key in communicating insights from incidents during sharing and learning engagements. Our intensified focus on managing and reducing employee and supplier occupational road risk also played a role. This was achieved through ongoing defensive driver training, cameras in vehicles and weekly scorecards issued to drivers. Supplier safety management was also heightened through quarterly safety forums attended by 1 700 suppliers. To enhance employee wellbeing and safety, we refreshed health and safety committees across the organisation. Wellness offerings to staff included a marathon, Wellness Month, Cancer Awareness Month, wellness webinars and Zumba sessions. A total of 1 480 staff participated in the ‘Still in It’ fitness challenge. These activities were underpinned by statutory occupational health and safety assessments. To increase motivation and awareness, we introduced a healthy, safety and wellbeing (HSW) category in the CEO awards celebrating positive individual and team contributions to promoting HSW. In terms of psychological wellbeing, we launched a Safaricom dedicated toll-free counselling line, expanding the number of dedicated clinical psychologists from two to six. TOTAL OSH-RELATED INCIDENTS FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Fatalities ^ 1 3 2 0 Lost Time Injuries (LTIs) ^ 14 9 2 1 Incidents ^ 175 136 147 118 Medical treatment cases ^ 18 19 116 58 Man-hours (million) ^ 11.9 11.5 11.5 11.5 FIFR ^ 0 0 0 0 LTIFR ^ 0.017 0 0 0 * Only Safaricom employee man-hours tracked hence FIFR and LTIFR tracking at zero ^ PWC assured FY23 FUTURE FOCUS • 100% roll out of agile across the organisation • Accelerate digital upskilling/reskilling through Technology and Partnerships • Champion the Spirit of Safaricom to enable delivery of the Spirit of Safaricom Index at 85%, #1 Best Place to Be and psychological safety at more than 75%. • Accelerate delivery of a personalised employee experience. • Aim for zero fatalities as in FY23. • Achieve level 4 on the McKinsey Agile Maturity Index. • Continue to achieve a diverse workforce, with women at more than 40% and PwDs at more than 3.5% as a percentage of the total workforce. • Ensure that the attrition rate for tech talent is under 5%. • Implement 100% Agile ways of working. • Engage business partners and the M-PESA community in occupational road risk and management of our top five risks. • Leadership development with a focus on transformational leadership. Muriel Nyasimi , facilities maintenance engineer in the coastal region working in the Property and Essential Services Department was the winner of a Spirit of Safaricom award in the purpose category under the health and safety theme for implementing Safaricom’s health and safety vision in an inspiring way and driving positive change. Every quarter, she ensures that vendors are taken through safety briefings touching on different topics affecting day to day operations. She spearheaded the NOSA vetting for contractors, together with the development and review of site risk assessments and vendor risk treatment plans to cover all risks. Furthermore, she actively contributed to Safaricom ISO 45001 re-certification through monitoring minor non-conformities and opportunities for improvement during audits. She has supported the HSW department in accelerating the use of I-Tower tool -HSW module and first aid training. She insists on routine maintenance to ensure all equipment is in good working condition and available during emergency. Her main mission is to empower support staff in adapting safety culture through leading by example and fostering employee participation in identifying hazards in the workplace. ACKNOWLEDGING AN OUTSTANDING SAFETY CHAMPION