Safaricom 2023 Sustainable Business Report

79 OUR BUSINESS KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS PATHWAY TO A PURPOSE-LED TECHNOLOGY COMPANY OUR STAKEHOLDERS TAKING SAFARICOM’S PULSE Between each annual People (SEMA) survey, we conduct a Pulse survey to determine progress towards gaps highlighted in the People survey. A total of 93% of staff participated in the most recent Pulse survey, a participation rate that is best in class. We compared the results with the previous survey, and they were as follows: • Action: 66% (previously 58%) of our people feel that action has been taken from the previous survey. • Customer Obsession: In an extremely positive trend, 84% (previously 72%) of our employees are now willing to change to meet our Customer Obsession goals. • Psychological safety: This came in at 65% (previously 59%), indicating that the freedom to speak up, without fear of negative consequences has improved and highlights that Safaricom has acted with real intent and alignment across multiple layers of the business. KEY FINDINGS OF THE 2022 SEMA SURVEY The annual SEMA survey is a census survey measuring all themes related to Employee Experience, as well as capturing views on the Safaricom Spirit, change readiness through Customer Obsession and progress on new initiatives around agility and becoming fully digital. ENGAGEMENT INDEX 83% of our members of staff feel connected and are committed to our organisation  FY22: 85% DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION 77% of our members of staff believe that we celebrate our diverse workforce  FY22: 80% COMMUNICATIONS 79% of our members of staff believe that we are open in communication across various levels of influence  FY22: 83% CAREER DEVELOPMENT 79% of our members of staff feel that they have an opportunity for advancing their careers and achieving their full potential within our organisation  FY22: 76% WORK ENVIRONMENT 81% of our members of staff believe that we strive to create a conducive work environment for our people  FY22: 82% CSR (CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY) 96% of staff believe that we are committed to Kenyan society and engage constantly with communities when providing solutions  FY22: 87% HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELLNESS 81% of our members of staff believe that we are committed to providing a safe workplace and ensuring the wellness of our people  FY22: 83% SPIRIT INDEX (OVERALL) 97% of our members of staff understand what is expected of them under the Spirit of Safaricom FY22: 97% SPIRIT: CREATE THE FUTURE 67% of our members of staff believe in our ability to create the future  FY22: 68% SPIRIT: EARN CUSTOMER LOYALTY 84% of our members of staff are confident of the measures we have introduced to earn customer loyalty  FY22: 81% SPIRIT: GET IT DONE TOGETHER 77% of members of staff believe in the effectiveness of the measures introduced to promote collaboration FY22: 77%