Safaricom 2023 Sustainable Business Report

75 OUR BUSINESS KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS PATHWAY TO A PURPOSE-LED TECHNOLOGY COMPANY OUR STAKEHOLDERS FUTURE FOCUS • Support Safaricom Telecommunications Ethiopia PLC. as they set up the Safaricom Foundation work in that country. • Launch Ndoto Zetu Phase 5. • Intensify focus on health through Afya Uzazi Salama. • Hold medical and fistula education camps in 47 counties. • Implement a ‘Citizens of the Future’ programme to improve learning outcomes throughout the education value chain, from Early Childhood Development to TVET Centres of Excellence. • Relaunch of Safaricom Chapa Dimba; an empowerment platform targeted to the Youth aged 16-20 years old (boys and girls) and is built on the insight of enabling success through creation of opportunities to nurture, showcase talent and offer an opportunity to earn from their passion. On two Saturdays a month over seven months, the WIT team conducted 14 online webinars spanning web development with react, android/iOS development, microservices development, DARAJA APIs, DevOps, DevSecOps, UI/UX, cloud computing and cyber security. Coaches for these sessions were sourced both internally and externally and the team has partnered with organisations including Microsoft, Huawei and SheHacks. The team has also established a discord channel (a platform for hosting real-time text, video and voice chat) which is used by more than 1 000 students. They use the channel to interact with coaches from the different sessions. PROMOTING WEB DEVELOPMENT AIM Provide a professional network for women offering work/life support. IMPACT IN FY23 Awards in FY23 included: • Awards from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for the support given to students and young professionals, together with an IEEE award for outstanding social contribution • Gender Mainstreaming Award from Accenture for investing in young women • Safaricom Heroes Award from the Safaricom PLC CEO, for embodying the Spirit of Safaricom. In addition to the activities described above and on the previous pages, women, women from our technology division represented Safaricom at various events. These included Our Women in Tech Chair who addressed students at the Technical University of Kenya and spoke at the UN Women Economic Forum. The Vice-Chair of Safaricom Women in Tech spoke to students from various universities at the Google I/O annual developer conference on how to leverage opportunities in the technology space. She also represented WIT at the UN Women’s Empowerment Forum which was held in Naivasha in November 2022.