Safaricom 2023 Sustainable Business Report

69 OUR BUSINESS KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS PATHWAY TO A PURPOSE-LED TECHNOLOGY COMPANY OUR STAKEHOLDERS SAFARICOM AND M-PESA FOUNDATIONS: SPEND TABLE FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 SPEND LIVES SPEND LIVES SPEND LIVES SPEND LIVES Health 40% 250 000 22% 602 018 9% 1 163 281 10% 1 250 581 Education 52% 106 208 65% 1 669 058 85% 146 872 67% 266 574 Economic empowerment 5% 679 165 3% 109 000 6% 14 571 4% 241 220 Disaster response 1% 57 128 9% 199 353 - 125 238 15% 311 000 Environment 2% - 1% 47 226 1% 10 000 1% 380 619 Health % SPEND LIVES IMPACTED Education Economic empowerment Disaster response Environment 106 208 1 669 058 146 872 266 574 679 165 109 000 14 571 241 220 57 128 0 199 353 125 238 311 000 47 226 10 000 380 619 250 000 602 018 1 163 281 1 250 581 FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 SAFARICOM AND M-PESA FOUNDATIONS: % SPEND VS. LIVES IMPACTED QUALITY EDUCATION • Improve the digital capacity of teachers to deliver learning in primary and secondary schools to improve learning outcomes among learners. • Upskill youth in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions by increasing access to training and employment opportunities under improved infrastructure. HEALTH SERVICES • Increase access to, and the utilisation of, quality reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health to reduce mortality. • Integrate screening for non- communicable diseases to enable early detection, treatment and management. ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT • Transform livelihoods through enterprise development, agribusiness and ecopreneurship to reduce vulnerability to macro-economic developments and food insecurity. KEY PILLARS AND AIMS OF THE SAFARICOM FOUNDATION PROGRAMME