Safaricom 2023 Sustainable Business Report

59 OUR BUSINESS OUR STAKEHOLDERS KPI SUMMARY PATHWAY TO A PURPOSE-LED TECHNOLOGY COMPANY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS “I remember when I used to spend money to travel to go to Eldoret just to see a consultant who sees you for five minutes. Sometimes you go on a day that they are not in. I enjoy the personalised interaction with doctors on Byon who fit in to my schedule. Best medical service app so far, forever grateful for these guys. The customer care team is on another level!” Job Simiyu, Byon 8 customer There are enough ambulances to service Kenyan citizens, but the challenge is that there are sometimes too many in one area and too few in another. In other words, it is all about logistics. Accordingly, we have begun the development process of an ambulance aggregator initiative . This consolidates all available emergency responders into a single map, letting dispatchers instantly find the best and closest provider as well as track all rescues in real time. The research phase for the project is now complete, the business case has been established, we have identified a partner and are testing the product. In partnership with the M-PESA Foundation, Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital and the County Governments of Samburu, Baringo, Lamu and Homabay, continued the Daktari Smart telemedicine programme , positively impacting 1 568 children. Daktari Smart is a kit comprising electronic medical devices which monitor patients’ vital signs and enable remote consultation. We have renewed the partnership with the Kenyan Healthcare Federation (KHF) which creating an enabling environment that supports quality and affordable healthcare for all. As the voice of the private health sector, KHF ensures we are constantly engaged in policy discussions and are kept abreast on policy developments, new policies that may impact our operations within the industry. ENHANCING ACCESS TO QUALITY EDUCATION One of Kenya’s key challenges is access to quality education with limited facilities and infrastructure. Digitisation can help to ensure education equity. We are helping to achieve this through the Connecting Schools initiative which is focused on enabling online learning and promoting the use of digital tools, including children with disabilities. The aim is to connect 1 000 schools, with 126 currently connected. We continued our partnership with Zeraki Learning to provide secondary school learners with access to affordable education services from well trained teachers leveraging informative video lessons. Since inception, there have been 425 328 downloads, with 352 925 downloads in FY23. A total of 17 318 transactions to date and an average of 51 transactions per day. PARTNERING TO PROVIDE HUMANITARIAN AID Natural disasters in Kenya have continued to result in loss of lives and property, with grave consequences for the survival, dignity and livelihood of individuals – particularly the poor – and reversal of development gains. The partnerships set out below aim to help those in need. PARTNERS : Kenya Red Cross World Vision (WV) AIM Early warning messages help to avert loss of lives due to disasters like floods Enable fundraising of WV’s Angaza Programme which supports children and families in the Salgaa community through Bonga points for food relief OUTPUTS The SMS campaign impacted over 7 million lives who were able to take necessary precautions with over 450 customers reaching out to the Red Cross for further assistance. We contributed KSh 100 million to kickstart the campaign. Kenyans donated their Bonga points. To date, the Bonga for Life initiative has impacted 9 400 lives directly and indirectly and KSh 864 million has been raised. HELPING TO ENHANCE FOOD SECURITY Fertiliser prices in Kenya have been rising steadily. Together with drought, particularly in the ASAL regions, this has sent the price of food skyrocketing. To counteract the situation, the Government has directed that 1.4 million bags of 50kg planting fertiliser be distributed to farmers at a subsidised cost of KSh 3 500 each, down from KSh 6 000. The e-fertiliser programme is based on an electronic vouchering solution that uses data and SMS for managing the