Safaricom 2023 Sustainable Business Report

53 OUR BUSINESS OUR STAKEHOLDERS KPI SUMMARY PATHWAY TO A PURPOSE-LED TECHNOLOGY COMPANY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS The graph below summarises the absolute reductions we need to implement to achieve our target. These reductions were calculated using a compound average growth rate interpolation between our 2016/17 base year and 2050 according to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report of the (IPCC AR5) for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) region. Currently, we are achieving our target with Scope 1 and 2 emissions standing at 38 726.59 tCO 2 e, against our target of 45 081 tCO 2 e. Our tree planting initiative resulted in the offset of 9 107.87 tCO 2 e. Based on the existing technology we estimate that we will be able to reach our SBTi-related target within the planned time. We reduced our overall emissions from 57 802.59 tCO 2 e to 55 779.58 tCO 2 e. Both scope 1 & 2 emissions decreased, due larger to increased use of solar (1 432 sites) and modernisation of energy equipment (950 sites modernised). However, scope 3 emissions increased due to the increase in air travel emissions. To ensure we reduce our environmental impact and meet our targets going forward, we continue to: • Invest in renewable energy sources to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions. • Adopt energy efficient practices. • Encourage suppliers to adopt sustainable practices and reduce their emissions. • Optimise transportation logistics to minimize supply chain emissions. • Implement waste management strategies to reduce waste generation and associated emissions. • Drive the use of our individual carbon footprint calculator, available on our intranet, by our staff. • Work towards our target of growing five million trees in five years to offset our remaining emissions. • Collaborate with suppliers in line with our SBTi-related commitment that 10% of our suppliers by goods and services spend should set their own science-based targets by 2025. To date, only two out of 26 suppliers have done so. OECD PATHWAY REDUCTION TARGETS 2020 2030 2035 2025 2050 Scope 1& 2 Emissions (tCO 2 e) 14 676 32 715 26 774 39 974 48 843  15%  30%  43%  53%  74% Our CEO represented the African Business Leaders Coalition (ABLC), of which we are a founder member, at COP27. He officially announced the release of the ABLC Climate Statement and emphasized the magnitude of what can be accomplished by bringing together the African private sector perspective on the challenges of climate change. “Africa cannot act alone. We call on Governments of wealthy industrialized nations – the main greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters – and international financiers to act urgently to mobilize adequate resources and funding, build back trust by fulfilling commitments, and to support Africa adapt and build resilience to avoid the enormous cost of inaction. We recognise the unique opportunity before us to unite and take action to unlock Africa’s sustainability advantage, with the support of the international community and African Governments.” The African Business Leaders’ Climate Statement Sharm El Sheikh, 9 November 2022