Safaricom 2023 Sustainable Business Report

50 OUR BUSINESS OUR STAKEHOLDERS KPI SUMMARY SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2023 OUR MATERIAL TOPICS E-WASTE CUMULATIVE TONNES SINCE PROJECT INCEPTION FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 E-waste collected 1 287 1 430 1 626 1 758 ASSESSING OUR IMPACT We audit the impact of our network through Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and Environmental Audits (EAs). We acquired 43 EIA licences and conducted 896 environmental audits, of which 531 were initial EAs for Base Transceiver Station (BTS) sites. In addition, we undertook 288 self- environmental audits for BTS sites and completed 77 self- environmental, OSHS and fire safety audits for offices, data centres and retail shops. The reduction in the number of EIAs and EAs is a result of adopting a leased model to Base Transceiver Station (BTS) sites as opposed to the previously owned model of operation. An external service provider conducted an ISO 14001 surveillance audit for our environmental management system. The outcome was a recommendation that we should maintain ISO 14001. However, five opportunities for improvement were noted and the team is working to close these out before the end of FY24. In addition, we were granted 16 air quality licences by NEMA for our buildings and data centres. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MONITORING AND EVALUATION FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Environmental Impact Assessments 437 122 *57 43 Initial Environmental Audits 513 318 **31 533 Self-environmental audits n/a 1 460 ***487 365 * 20 5G and 37 network solution sites ** Small cell sites (Initial audit) *** 408 BTS self-audits, 79 facilities self-audited MONITORING RESOURCE USAGE AND AIR QUALITY Underscoring our commitment to SDG12: Responsible Consumption and Production, resource usage is monitored and managed. We took a crucial step forward in monitoring resource usage with the digitisation of our facilities data on electricity and fuel consumption. Automated internal alerts are triggered on our environmental management system whenever a critical non-compliance issue is flagged during audits. Oversight of our environmental profile was accelerated further through the creation of real-time dashboards which reflect the status of our waste and environmental audits. In an important development, our engineering team developed an IoT air quality device which is equipped with gas emission detectors, temperature, together with sensors for air pressure, noise pollution and particulate matter. This device revolutionises air quality monitoring through the provision of real-time data and insights. This in turn can help governments, businesses, and individuals make more informed decisions to improve air quality and reduce pollution-related health risks. EDUCATING AND TRAINING STAKEHOLDERS We educated 645 members of the public on electromagnetic frequency (EMF) and 5G during the undertaking of the Environmental Impact assessment and Environmental Audits of BTS sites. We also trained 91 Safaricom leaders, engineers and contractors on safe operations near active antennas. ELECTRICITY, FUEL & WATER CONSUMPTION FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 ^ 171 452 9 762 585 102 231 196 746 11 652 174 57 792 220 749 10 034 899 58 340 234 394 8 832 920.5 52 559.18 ELECTRICITY (MWh) FUEL (DIESEL & PETROL - LITRES) WATER CONSUMPTION (m 3 ) ^ PWC assured FY23