Safaricom 2023 Sustainable Business Report

39 OUR BUSINESS OUR STAKEHOLDERS KPI SUMMARY PATHWAY TO A PURPOSE-LED TECHNOLOGY COMPANY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS • Progressed Universal Service Fund commitments. • 98.3% verification Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance. • Attained 95% Quality of Service assessment, surpassing the regulatory measure of 80%. Increasing access to information and communications technology (SDG9) is important for expanding social equity and transforming lives. We work to maintain the highest standards of transparency and governance (SDG16), collaborating with regulators (SDG17) to ensure such standards and maintain a positive outlook and favourable consideration of our products and services. ENSURING TRANSPARENCY In FY23 the team focused on progressing Know Your Customer (KYC) verification of the entire subscriber base to comply with the Communications Authority (CA) directive to ensure 100% compliance with Subscriber Registration Regulation, 2015. This was significantly progressed when we secured approval from the CA for customers to verify their KYC remotely and to establish KYC verification clinics across the country outside our formal retail centres. We closed out the year at 98.3% verification compliance. The team also prioritised involvement in the review of Mobile Termination Rates (MTR) by the CA under the latter’s network cost study. The CA indicated that the last review, which was undertaken around 2010, was outdated and that the time was right to pass the economic benefits accrued over time to the consumers through the review of the MTR. We participated and fully supported the entire review process which was still ongoing at year end. Towards fostering innovation, the team collaborated with the business development team in developing the ‘Make Ur Bundle’ Service for filing with the CA. Targeted to benefit over 13 million subscribers, the service enables our subscribers to increase the value received from their airtime by being able to choose the amount they allocate to either data or voice. OUR REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT SDG GOALS OUR HIGHLIGHTS