Safaricom 2023 Sustainable Business Report

26 OUR STAKEHOLDERS KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2023 OUR BUSINESS OUR PEOPLE OUR CUSTOMERS 49% 83% 33 84% 0 2 . 4m 77% 40% 3 . 1% 33 . 11 32 . 11 701 . 5 80 78 1 . 6 167k 26 . 07 695k of our total workforce are women 24 in FY22 2% 3% STABLE 5% 1% STABLE 0.9% 5.2% 39.6% 14.2% STABLE 1pts 42.7% 3.4% 93% 2 in FY22 2M in FY22 of staff engaged [SEMA survey] staff dismissed for fraud women in senior management persons with disabilities in workforce Consumer customers (million) M-PESA customers (million) KSh Value of Fuliza disbursements (billion) Farmers signed up to DigiFarm (million) Brand Consideration Network NPS Active farmers on DigiFarm Mobile data customers (million) Enterprise customers of staff confident about measures introduced to earn customer loyalty [SEMA survey] of staff believe in effectiveness of measures introduced to promote collaboration [SEMA survey] third party fatalities lives impacted through our Foundations FY23 YEAR IN REVIEW This section covers our most significant areas of progress and challenge during the 2023 financial year (FY23). Any changes in performance have been stated using year-on-year comparison with FY22 performance.