Safaricom 2023 Sustainable Business Report

20 OUR STAKEHOLDERS KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR BUSINESS SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2023 OUR SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MODEL OUR NETWORK • 6 325 base stations • 14 000 kms of fibre optic network across all 47 counties. OUR PEOPLE • 5 362 permanent employees OUR PARTNERSHIPS Business partners: • 720 suppliers • 432 active dealers • 270 360 M-PESA agents Financial partners: Alipay, Amazon, Google PayPal, Visa, Central Bank of Kenya, and other financial institutions Other partnerships with educational initiatives, health authorities, regulators MOBILE DATA Mobile broadband services MESSAGING SMS and MMS services DEVICES Handsets, routers and other devices VOICE Prepaid and post-paid voice call plans FIXED SERVICES Fixed, fibre and leased lines, wireless and hosted services M-PESA Mobile money transfer, payments and international remittances IOT SOLUTIONS For applications such as: • Asset management • Telematics • Smart metering VALUE FOR THE COUNTRY Percentage of Kenyan population covered: 2G: 97% 3G: 97% 4G: 97% 5G: 205 sites covering 23 out of 47 counties Closed at 6 260 fibre-ready buildings VALUE FOR SHAREHOLDERS • Interim dividend of KSh 0.58 per ordinary share amounting to KSh 23.24 bn. Final dividend of KSh 0.62 per ordinary share amounting to KSh 24.84 bn TRUE VALUE FOR KENYAN SOCIETY • Impact on society: 14.6x more than profit generated of KSh 62.3 billion (excluding minority interest) • Contribution to GDP 5.1% • Sustaining employment through wider economic impact: 1 159 309 jobs in FY23 CONTRIBUTION TO THE SDG s The resources and relationships on which we rely. Our products and services, by-products, and waste. The consequences of our business activities and outputs.