Net Zero by 2050

  • Achieve 20% reduction on emissions from the network
  • Purchase or generate 50% of energy needs from renewable sources by installing solar PV and battery storage for 5 000 sites
  • Grow 5M trees as part of our carbon offset programme
  • 50% reduction of emissions from supply and value chains
  • Helping Society to Decarbonise through digital technologies and services

Building a Circular Economy

  • Recycle/repurpose 100% of our solid waste
  • 20% growth in E-Waste collected
  • Recycle, Reuse or Resale of 100% our networkwaste
  • Zero single use plastics from our operations


  • Achieve 50:50 gender parity at senior
    management/leadership, and 5% of workforce as persons with disabilities (PwDs)
  • 10% of our procurements spend allocated to marginalized groups (women, youth and PwDs)
  • Health and safety: Zero harm work environment for our staff and business partners; provide spaces for employees to thrive
  • Sustainable community investments through our Foundations (6M lives): healthcare, education,economic empowerment, livelihoods, environment
  • Leverage our technologies and partnerships to provide access to healthcare for 15M people and e-learning for 15M learners

Customer Engagement

  • Deepen customer engagement through our Customer Obsession strategy

Creating digital societies

  • Digital skills and livelihoods for 3.5M people
  • Connect 28M people to internet (home fibre and mobile)
  • Connect 3M homes & businesses (SMEs and MSMEs) through fibre and 4G LTE


  • 100% compliance with Code of Ethics by all employees
    and business partners
  • 100% integration of the UN Guiding Principles and enactment of responsible sourcing principles in our supply chain
  • Board diversity
  • Fit-for-purpose governance structure
  • Products to support digital rights such as privacy, access to information

Children’s rights advocacy

  • Using our products and services to promote the rights of children and integrating child safeguards into our products.

Business advocacy on sustainability

  • Safaricom Sustainable Future series, UNGC, African Business Leaders Coalition (ABLC), CFO Coalition for the SDGs and SVAI Platforms.