2022 Sustainable Business Report

91 PARTNERING FOR GROWTH: TRANSFORMING LIVES | KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR BUSINESS OUR STAKEHOLDERS FUTURE FOCUS • Launch the Safaricom CEO’s Mission Excellence Awards. • Grow the Agility Index to 80% and engagement score to 90%. • Expand the PAA DADA initiative which supports and fast-tracks women through our new women employee value proposition. • Address People Survey areas of psychological safety and change management. • Attain a DMI maturity level of 4. • Implement a road safety rewards and recognition scheme using data derived from the data analytics tool. • Enhance driver monitoring programmes. • Address supplier occupational road risk through telematics and in-vehicle cameras, integration of telematics dashboards, assessment and enforcement of compliance against ORR standards. • Begin the certification process for ISO 45003 health and safety management. • Recertification process for ISO 45001 health and safety management. • Strengthen supplier oversight and accelerate supplier safety maturity through site-specific health and safety approvals, together with monthly supplier review meetings, quarterly high-risk supplier forums and the annual supplier conference. • Implement safety by design principles across high-risk work. • Drive the development of Viamo, a digital IVR solution that translates information into local languages focusing mainly on the illiterate, elderly and PwDs.