2022 Sustainable Business Report

90 | SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2022 KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR BUSINESS OUR STAKEHOLDERS FOCUSING ON WELLBEING Partnering with the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) In December 2021, we partnered with the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) to provide training to boda boda riders on road safety rules as part of efforts aimed at reducing the number of road accidents experienced during the festive season. The training, conducted in conjunction with the National Boda Boda Association, was aimed at promoting responsible and proper usage of the road by all road users and sensitising riders on the importance of possessing insurance cover. The campaign also focused on promoting awareness of key safety areas, including the need always to obey traffic lights, avoiding speeding or overtaking on the wrong side of the road and availability of helmets for boda boda riders and their passengers. “Kenya’s boda boda industry has grown to become an integral part of the transport sector, and it also provides a livelihood for many. However, it has also become a leading cause of road-related incidents, and we want to play our part, however small, in creating awareness and driving a Zero Harm agenda, such that no one is harmed while on the roads.” Peter Ndegwa, Chief Executive Officer: Safaricom SENSE OF BELONGING Family & community connections Joy, forgiveness, diversity & inclusion, tenderness, sense of belonging, giving back to society, spirituality, sympathy, humanness PHYSICALLY ENERGISED Physical Health risk assessment, chronic disease management, health coaching, fitness centres, fitness programmes, healthy staff canteen meals, audits, health promotion activities, sports clubs, PwD adaptive sports, HIV programmes & benefits Occupational Workplace risk assessment & interventions, ergonomic assessment & interventions, medical examinations, hazard containment & awareness MENTALLY FOCUSED Psychological risk assessment, employee assistance programme, mental health forums, psychological first aid training (leadership), rehabilitation (substance use & addictions management), mental health IECs, peer counsellors training & programme implementation, digital balance SENSE OF PURPOSE Personal & career development Financial wellness Fair pay (reward & benefits policies), education forums, information, education & communication (IEC) materials H E A R T B O D Y M I N D S O U L We launched a refreshed wellbeing strategy to focus more on holistic health, thereby unlocking accelerated personal growth and business performance as outlined in the diagram above.