2022 Sustainable Business Report

7 PARTNERING FOR GROWTH: TRANSFORMING LIVES | KPI SUMMARY OUR STAKEHOLDERS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR BUSINESS The Ukraine-Russian crisis was still dragging on at the end of our financial year. This has had a major impact on oil supply and prices, agricultural commodities and metal prices around the world. Spikes in global oil prices have resulted in inflationary pressures that are currently being experienced through increased food, transport and manufacturing costs – all of which have been exacerbated by poor rains in Kenya. Once again, Safaricom has stepped in to help. Shortly after year-end we will be launching the Pamoja Tuungane initiative to provide a vehicle through which Kenyans can support others in areas affected by drought. A key event on the international calendar is COP 27 in Egypt – the third time this event has taken place on the African continent. The frequency and intensity of extreme weather events has increased in Kenya over the past decade, with mean surface temperatures projected to increase 1°C to 1.5°C by 2030. While Kenya accounts for a miniscule percentage of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the country is working to tackle climate hazards head on. The most recently submitted Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) targets commits to abate GHG emission by 32% by 2030 relative to the business-as-usual scenario of 143 MtCO 2 e in line with the sustainable agenda and national circumstances. As a responsible corporate citizen and in line with our commitment to SDG7: Affordable and Clean Energy , we are determined to help drive emissions abatement by increasingly moving to sources of green energy and planting five million trees by 2025. CONTINUING TO TRANSFORM LIVES The digital economy has played and will continue to play a key role in overcoming socio-economic challenges by expanding regional business networks, making local communities become more resilient against economic threats. As outlined in this report, Safaricom is helping to accelerating the digital economy not only in terms of economic empowerment, but also across areas as diverse as agriculture, education and healthcare. We recognise that the digital landscape is constantly shifting and in response, we are constantly innovating, refining and redesigning the digital experience as we work to realise our strategy of becoming a technology company by 2025. This, Safaricom’s 11 th Sustainable Business Report articulates how we are doing so as we continue to deliver new innovative products and services that help to drive inclusive sustainable development and transform lives. Michael Joseph Chairman & Non-Executive Director Safaricom PLC