2022 Sustainable Business Report

88 | SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2022 KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR BUSINESS OUR STAKEHOLDERS Following the launch and adoption of the Agile people model, our agility index is at 78%, indicating how our people view us as an Agile organisation – a result which puts us at the ‘Walk’ stage. 88% of people feel that prioritised goals are consistent with strategy and 87% believe that leaders set direction and empower teams to deliver. However, only 58% believe that hierarchy is less important and views at all levels can be expressed. Views on total reward have declined, both on career prospects (-8%) and fair compensation (-8%), and equality of opportunity (8%). People want more support during periods of change, down by -7%, four out of 10 people do not feel they can speak up and raise different views. Respondents were asked whether the Thrive initiative has enabled them to meet their body, mind, heart and soul goals. Their responses indicate that the effectiveness of this initiative has declined. This is the first time scores have dropped significantly, reflecting a typical pattern seen through times of organisational change. COVID-19 regulations meant working from home and placed increased demands on employees’ time. The pandemic also led to a lack of engagement opportunities related to fitness and wellbeing. Our focus is now on re-engaging employees quickly. EMBEDDING A CULTURE OF ZERO HARM Our aim is to embed a culture of zero harm by eliminating or controlling risks associated with our operations and delivering holistic employee wellbeing. As a result, we have embedded the Safaricom Absolute Rules (see below) in our ways of working to focus attention on the three high risk activities associated with our business, which are driving, working at heights and working with electricity. We know from experience that failing to follow basic health and safety standards, leads to our people, the people we work with, and the people exposed to our activities being seriously injured or killed. By following these simple life-saving rules, we can help ensure everyone goes home safely every day. Tragically, there were two fatalities in FY22, one involving a car accident and the other related to an electrocution event when a third party undertook unauthorised electrical pole installation. As indicated on the next page, this translated into a 33% reduction in fatal incidents which was accompanied by a 78% reduction in lost time injuries. SAFARICOM ABSOLUTE RULES When working at height, ALWAYS wear protective gear, attach a safety harness & use fall protection equipment! WE ALWAYS drive safely and legally: we never use a handheld mobile device when driving! NEVER carry out work on any electrical equipment unless you're qualified! WE NEVER work under the influence of alcohol or drugs! WE ALWAYS drive safely and legally: we always wear a seatbelt! WE ALWAYS drive safely and legally: we always obey the speed limit! When working in proximity of power, ALWAYS maintain the required safe distance & use the correct insulated equipment. NEVER undertake any street or underground work activity unless competent to do so!