2022 Sustainable Business Report

86 | SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2022 KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR BUSINESS OUR STAKEHOLDERS • 98% of our employees completed at least one digital course on our Safaricom Business School Platform. The highest completion was on the prioritised 20 digital skills required as we transition to a Technology Company. Overall, we recorded an average 40 learning hours per employee on both digital and functional courses/content. • 98% of our employees completed at least one digital course on our Safaricom Business School Platform with the highest rate of completion on the prioritised 20 digital skills required as we transition to a technology company. Overall, we recorded an average 40 learning hours per employee on both digital and functional courses/content. • Over 200 internships were filled to drive youth employability. • We hosted four virtual innovation hackathons for internal staff in fintech, data science and Customer Obsession. We are currently assessing the innovative ideas/products that flowed from the hackathons for scale up as fully fledged products. • Approximately 85% of our line managers completed the coaching for performance training under the Amazing Line Manager Programme. This empowers leaders to be passionate about creating the right conditions for their teams to succeed and deliver outstanding performance. The programme incorporates five modules that touch on the entire employee journey of joiner, mover and leaver and is delivered through a blended approach of learning on the job, formal training, coaching and mentorship. • In terms of leadership development, 50 leaders undertook the digital transformation micro master’s programme in collaboration with Edx (an online campus), five leaders undertook the Vodafone Enterprise Leaders Programme while 40 leaders began their transformational leadership learning journey. This aims to equip our leaders with the skills, mindset and toolsets required to drive forward transformation strategies in a way that galvanizes and engages people at all levels. TRAINING HOURS AND INVESTMENT FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 Avg. no. of training hours per employee N/A N/A 46.42 40 Investment in staff training (KSh million) 273 310 128 193 Average training index* 81% 83% 81% 85% *Percentage of staff who attended training during the year ENGAGING OUR EMPLOYEES Our target for FY22 in terms of the employee and manager engagement indices respectively was 90. However, we did not achieve this, with the employee engagement index standing at 85 and the manager engagement index at 89. However, these scores are within the Kenyan national norm and are best-in-class. The increase in staff turnover is attributable to increased demand for talent in the tech and fintech spaces in the local market which saw Safaricom lose many more employees in these skill pools as the year before. EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT SURVEY RESULTS FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 Employee engagement index 96 89 92 85 Manager engagement index 84 89 90 89 Staff turnover 5.7% 5.0% 3.3 5.1 KEY FINDINGS OF THE 2022 PEOPLE SURVEY The annual people survey is a census survey measuring all themes related to Employee Experience, as well as capturing views on the Safaricom Spirit, change readiness through Customer Obsession and progress on new initiatives around agility and becoming fully digital. As in FY21, the response rate was high at 92%, indicating that employees are keen to have their say. 85% of staff in Safaricom are engaged compared to 92% reported previously, 87% are happy, 83% are excited about the future while 73% are likely to recommend their manager. The survey indicated that Safaricom is making significant progress in removing barriers that slow work down. Understanding the Spirit of Safaricom behaviours is high at 97%, as is belief in Safaricom’s impact in communities, health and safety rules, understanding of mission. 89% of staff feel diversity and inclusion is celebrated in Safaricom, and 89% feel they are respected at work, above high-performing companies. In addition, 88% of people feel they have the resources to do their job well – a score which is also above national benchmarks.