2022 Sustainable Business Report

82 | SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2022 KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR BUSINESS OUR STAKEHOLDERS SUCCESSFULLY TRANSFORMING TO AGILE Our transformation to an Agile organisation, supported by two Centres of Excellence, is enhancing the levels of responsiveness our stakeholders expect from us as we become a purpose-led technology company by 2025. The adoption of Agile as a way of working has enabled us to progress our Customer Obsession journey. It has also meant less specialisation and greater synergy across teams. It continues to allow us to meet our stakeholders needs and expectations more strategically. Our people are now better engaged and feel empowered in contributing to realising our mission and delivering on stakeholder needs. In FY22 we launched the second wave of Agile tribes with 29 squads and nine Exco-led workstreams. We also operationalised the Transformation Office and Agile studio. BUILDING VALUE THROUGH AGILE SPRINTS The merging of business and technology resources has connected the requisite people from different domains, enabling them to work together on tasks, boosting cross-team collaboration, as well as the pace of execution and productivity. Work has been broken into small, time-bound sprints designed to deliver an outcome. As a result of these quick sprints, time to value has accelerated, with each sprint building value on the achievements of its predecessor. The first quarterly business review (QBR) was held in August 2021 and has been adopted as a critical planning process aligned to our Agile mission, with regular quarterly reviews taking place. The QBR sets the main organisation-wide priorities for the quarter to achieve our mission and facilitate any required resource allocation. It also extracts learnings from the previous quarter and defines the tribe/ unit plans for next quarter, which cascades to squad and team backlogs EMPLOYEES ISSUES FOR EMPLOYEES • Thrive initiative is not proving as successful as expected. • Psychological safety concerns OUR HIGHLIGHTS • Progressed our digital operating model and Agile ways of working. • Recertified to ISO 45001. • On track to achieve our PwD target.