2022 Sustainable Business Report

80 | SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2022 KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR BUSINESS OUR STAKEHOLDERS REGULATORS KEEPING PACE WITH A CHANGING ENVIRONMENT The environment in which Safaricom operates is constantly changing in all areas, from digital currency to environmental issues. Accordingly, we maintain close engagement with our regulators to provide input on evolving regulation while seeking to ensure favourable consideration of our products and services. Our interaction is based on four pillars: • Comply : Proactively ensure compliance with all licence obligations, legislation, regulations, by-laws and regulatory guidelines. • Engage : Actively engage with regulators and industry bodies through face-to-face meetings and written submissions when changes to the existing business environment are under discussion. • Discuss : Facilitate workshops and information sessions with regulators, members of the media and affected stakeholders to discuss public policy issues affecting the industry. • Attend : Be present at stakeholder workshops and engage on behalf of the telecommunications and technology industries. Our business is overseen by 10 regulatory authorities, chief of which is the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) which is responsible for the Information, Communications and Technology (ICT) sector in Kenya. ISSUES FOR REGULATORS • Increasing local and global focus on environmental issues. OUR HIGHLIGHTS • Surpassing the Quality of Service (QoS) regulatory threshold by 15.38% to attain a score of 95.38%. • Zero regulatory fines or penalties or administrative actions. • 100% acquisition of EIA licences for 5G rollout. • Additional 20 existing base transceiver (BTS) sites upgraded to 5G. FUTURE FOCUS • Engage further with the CBK on their proposal for a central bank digital currency (CBDC). • Ensure compliance with evolving environmental regulations.