2022 Sustainable Business Report

77 PARTNERING FOR GROWTH: TRANSFORMING LIVES | KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR BUSINESS OUR STAKEHOLDERS Enabling and empowering communities Serving the community of Kilimani in Turbo Sub-County, Uasin-Gishu County and established in 2019, the mandate of Kilimani BUDA community-based organisation (CBO) is to promote youth talent, skills development and economic empowerment. Joblessness, poverty, crime, drugs and substance abuse, as well as early pregnancies motivated the organisation to establish a community resource centre called ‘Kituo cha Uradi’. The centre, which aims to train 1 500 young people a year, enables school pupils and youth (under 35) in the community to acquire computer skills at vastly reduced rates. Through the Ndoto Zetu initiative, the CBO received a grant which enabled the purchase of 10 computers and the establishment of ICT infrastructure. The CBO has trained 160 community members on computer packages and short courses in ICT, while another 15 have been trained in Kenyan Sign Language. The centre also offers linkages to the government-sponsored AJIRA network that creates an environment for skills development and job creation. When the centre is not being used for training, it serves as a library for research at minimal cost per hour. This has contributed greatly to literacy levels of the community members who access the centre. Spot it, Stop it! Safaricom partnered with UNICEF and the Directorate of Children Services to launch 'Spot it, Stop it', a campaign to promote awareness about violence against children and to advocate for change. The campaign, which targeted all 47 counties, was initiated in Nairobi County in October 2021 with sensitisation forums for various stakeholders including children, education stakeholders and county government officials. The campaign aimed to raise awareness on how children can be safe both online and offline and how to prevent violence against children by identifying and addressing the underlying causes. The campaign also calls for cases of violence against children to be reported to the relevant authorities by contacting the toll-free numbers provided or to child protection offices. As part of the campaign, children were also informed on how to identify and report online abuse through a child-friendly booklet distributed by the Directorate of Children Services and UNICEF relating to violence against children.