2022 Sustainable Business Report

73 PARTNERING FOR GROWTH: TRANSFORMING LIVES | KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR BUSINESS OUR STAKEHOLDERS • SFS also participated in and sponsored certain aspects of the Hands on the Future Skills Show run by the Permanent Working Group on TVET, in collaboration with the State Department of Technical and Vocational Training of the Ministry of Education and the TVET authority. The event showcased Kenya’s technical and vocational education and training institutions. It also highlighted the entrepreneurship and life skills training opportunities for youth to help guide them to the world of work through the appropriate skills. • The Digital Skills Programme Improving Teacher Competences for Improved Education Outcomes in Kenya is managed in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and the Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA). The programme is aimed at overcoming the challenges of inadequate digital skills for teachers and insufficient digital structures in teacher training colleges which lead to poor education outcomes. Targeting new teacher graduates and their tutors in all public primary and secondary training colleges in Kenya (35), the programme seeks to ensure that 75% of new teacher graduates and all tutors have the digital skills that enable them to complement learning in primary and secondary schools in Kenya, thereby improving educational outcomes. • The Safaricom Foundation supported the African Braille Centre (ABC) which distributed braille, audio materials and assistive devices to schools targeting learners with visual impairment. The beneficiaries in this project were 2 648 visually impaired learners, with the number of indirect beneficiaries (parents/guardians, siblings, caregivers etc) estimated at 28 422.