2022 Sustainable Business Report

5 PARTNERING FOR GROWTH: TRANSFORMING LIVES | KPI SUMMARY OUR STAKEHOLDERS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR BUSINESS MESSAGE FROM OUR CHAIRMAN ACKNOWLEDGING OUR PEOPLE AND OUR CEO The Board is encouraged by the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in the past year and the return to pre-pandemic growth. This upward recovery will unlock opportunities, especially for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) who lie at the heart of Kenya’s – and Africa’s – economy. Our strong financial and ESG performance over the last year are the result of placing our customers at the heart of our business priorities and are due, in no small part, to the commitment of our employees, ably led by our Chief Executive Officer, Peter Ndegwa. From the time of his appointment, Peter has demonstrated that he truly understands the DNA of Safaricom – that our purpose is not just about profits and that we are not just a utility, but that we are focused on transforming lives. Under his guidance, we have made significant progress in realising our strategy of transitioning from a telco to a technology company. We have also demonstrated resilience in living true to our commitment of being a sustainable purpose-driven business – one which has delivered consistent returns to shareholders. During the year, the Board declared an interim dividend of KSh 0.64 per ordinary share amounting to KSh 25.64 billion. The Board recommended to shareholders a final dividend of KSh 0.75 per ordinary share amounting to KSh 30.04 billion that was approved in the last AGM held in September 2022. LIVING UP TO PREVIOUS COMMITMENTS A significant development in FY21 was that we were the first operator in East Africa to launch 5G with the aim of empowering our customers with super-fast internet at work, at home and on the move. 5G can support up to 1 million connected devices per square kilometre compared to 4G which can only support up to 100 000 connected devices in a similar area. This makes 5G suitable for providing super-fast internet speeds in high density areas and for linking thousands of connected devices in a manufacturing environment and supply chain management for businesses. “Our strong financial and ESG performance over the last year are the result of placing our customers at the heart of our business priorities.”