2022 Sustainable Business Report

69 PARTNERING FOR GROWTH: TRANSFORMING LIVES | KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR BUSINESS OUR STAKEHOLDERS Our Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is used by visually impaired customers who use the service to confirm their M-PESA balances before and after making transactions. Feedback from our visually impaired customers is that this innovation gives them independence and enhances the security of their accounts as they can transact without revealing their PINs. Jitambulishe is an enhanced voice biometric service that allows our customers to enrol their voice and use it for identification to access various services such as accessing their Personal Unlocking Key (PUK). In FY22, there were 7.9 million voice biometrics level 1 enrolments and 3.16 million voice biometrics level 2 enrolments. 719 COVID-19 FY21 FY22 USSD data 22 399 785 2 118 041 Call statistics 1 070 235 Hits 9 734 2 824 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 Total interactions (daily average) 349 1 567 10 366 24 480 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 ZURI AT A GLANCE Total unique user New users 102 227 446 417 1 960 617 3 293 259 101 825 344 190 1 514 200 2 903 235 FUTURE FOCUS • Accelerate new growth areas in digital content, particularly in health. • Fully automate our enterprise business from sales point to order delivery, thereby enhancing efficiency and ensuring faster turnaround. • Grow our digital engagement with our customers by providing a full end-to-end self- service option. • Ensure that our platform strategy for IoT and ICT can meet customer needs in various sectors of the economy to become the trusted partner on technology, financial services and connectivity for enterprise. • Become a platform of choice for SMEs and be the digital transformation partner of choice for enterprise customers through provision of professional services and managed services. • Position the public sector unit as the trusted partner of choice for technology, digital literacy and financial services for Government ministries, departments and agencies, counties and NGOs. • Continue to grow our fibre infrastructure. • Automate the call centre vetting process to increase the average handling time per call and increase the number of customers served. • Develop a 360 view of the customer to be used at retail shops and contact centres to reduce the number of applications frontline agents, (retail shops and contact centres), need to work through to serve customers. This will reduce the average handling time and help to increase number of customers served per day. • Increase the work from home capacity of the contact centre to 100%.