2022 Sustainable Business Report

67 PARTNERING FOR GROWTH: TRANSFORMING LIVES | KPI SUMMARY OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR BUSINESS OUR STAKEHOLDERS ENTERPRISE CUSTOMERS We categorise our enterprise customers into three main groups: Large Enterprises (LEs) – more than 50 employees; Small-to- Medium Enterprises (SMEs) – between 10 and 50 employees and Small Offices-Home Offices (SOHO) – less than 10 employees. Our target was to grow our SOHO number customers by 92% in the reporting period and that target was met as indicated in the table below. Revenue for SME, SOHO and large enterprise customers increased significantly. Our adoption of Agile methodology has led to the creation of cross-functional tribes to lead product and go-to-market solutions which has enhanced product and services delivery. PROFILE OF OUR ENTERPRISE CUSTOMERS FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 Total number of SME customers (thousands) 54 75 101 90 SME revenue growth (2021-2022) 27% 48% 12% 34% Total number of SOHO customers (000) 125 210 299 210 SOHO revenue growth (2021-2022) 24% 48% 20% 92% Total number of large enterprises 1 164 1 200 1 255 1 365 Large enterprise revenue growth (2021-2022) 13% 19% -15% 19% Market share in corporate segment (by customers) 99% 99% 99% 99% Market share in SME segment (by customers) 14% 20% 25% 32% Number of enterprise customers* (thousands) 180 286 401 360 Market share by revenue (excluding payments) 52% 53% 55% 58% *Corporate customers are segmented into LE, SME and SOHO GROWING OUR ICT PROPOSITIONS We grew our ICT propositions around security services (cyber security, video management and storage), digital transformation, interactions and cloud services. We also launched cyber security customer and cloud services, with 220 customers onboarded. One of our most successful initiatives in the year under review was the Cloud migration of AAR Insurance company to the Amazon Web Services Cloud, resulting in 99.99% availability. Our video management system platform that enables our customers to store their recorded video surveillance footage in the Cloud, thereby reducing the risk of tampering or erasure was equally successful. We have 59 cameras onboarded actively storing this footage on the Cloud. In addition, we implemented several telematic solutions with White Label GPS software, including cold chain with Vodafone Innovus, LPG with IoT.NxT and Smart Water with Earth-view. We also completed phase 1 of the SME digital hub DIY customer discovery portal fully optimised for a mobile experience. RESPONDING TO OUR CUSTOMERS’ NEEDS We enhanced the digital customer experience for interacting with our products and support. We focused on digital self-service channels for SMEs and SOHOs as they, unlike our LE customers, do not have the benefit of an account manager and a named support engineer. Recognising that customers need accurate and easy to understand bills delivered on time, we focused on enhancing billing transparency in line with our Customer Obsession strategy. Customers are looking for internet reliability (fibre and wireless) which we have achieved by building the resilience of our network to ensure that we have redundancy. We also worked with local/ government areas to proactively move fibre cables from road or water construction areas to avoid fibre cuts and ensure power back-up across all our sites during main power downtimes. To ensure customer access to support and quick resolution of issues, we upskilled our support teams and expanded self-service options through USSD, web and app. Value for money is another key customer issue. Accordingly, we rationalised prices across key products to ensure that they meet customers’ needs. We have also crafted solutions that address specific segments instead of a one- size-fits-all. For example, we developed voice and data products that address the communication needs of SOHO and some SME customers. We achieved this by providing a solution that allows the small business owner to buy and manage affordable voice and data bundles on behalf of their staff. We also addressed connectivity needs by introducing a 3Mbps fixed data proposition for SOHO customers. We provide support through dedicated queues for fixed data, merchants, and mobile voice/data. This means that our customers receive 24*7*365 round-the-clock access to support. We leverage