2022 Sustainable Business Report

61 PARTNERING FOR GROWTH: TRANSFORMING LIVES | KPI SUMMARY OUR STAKEHOLDERS OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS • There are enough ambulances to service Kenyan citizens, but the challenge is that there are sometimes too many in one area and too few in another. In other words, it’s all about logistics. Accordingly, we have begun the development process of an ambulance aggregator initiative . This consolidates all available emergency responders into a single map, letting dispatchers instantly find the best and closest provider as well as track all rescues in real time. The research phase for the project is now complete, the business case has been established, we have identified a partner and are testing the product. • In partnership with the M-PESA Foundation, Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital and the County Governments of Samburu, Baringo, Lamu and Homabay, we launched the Daktari Smart telemedicine programme . Daktari Smart is a kit comprising electronic medical devices which monitor patients’ vital signs and enable remote consultation. • We established a partnership with the Kenyan Healthcare Federation (KHF) and the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) . The Federation’s vision is to create an enabling environment that supports quality, affordable healthcare for all, while the Ministry of Agriculture is focused on food security. The KHF and MoA continuously engage the Government of Kenya and government agencies on issues relating to health policy, taxes, regulations and pricing. The membership has enabled us to contribute to the Public- Partnership Agenda through its projects and partnerships in healthcare. PARTNERING IN EDUCATION Kenya provides education services for over 16 million children and youth, with almost 500 000 teachers distributed in close to 90 000 schools. The country is generally acknowledged to have a high standard of education. Nevertheless, there are challenges, which we address in the following ways: • Ask A Mentor , which was designed to complement Shupavu 291, resulted in at least tripling of the utilisation of the latter. We closed the pilot and are leveraging the lessons learnt to scale other education products. • Under the Last Mile Connectivity Project for primary schools which aims to accelerate digital learning, we increased the number of connected schools from 70 to 88. • We partnered with Zeraki Learning to provide secondary school learners with access to affordable education services from well trained teachers leveraging informative video lessons. This digital platform, which complements Shupavu 291, seeks to provide topic-by-topic assessments and powerful metrics to help students diagnose their weaknesses and track their progress. A touchpoint within our data services USSD platform, *544*14# will enable students, parents, teachers, or guardians to subscribe to the service for as low as KSh 20 a day. The amount can be deducted from customers’ airtime. Approximately 150 000 learners have downloaded the Zeraki Learning app. “Our investments in education, both from a solutions and philanthropic perspective, are geared towards addressing current gaps and boosting youth employability. Through the partnership with Zeraki Learning we want to ensure that the platform makes digital education accessible and affordable. For parents, Zeraki gives them access to their child’s academic record which they can use to support their decisions.” Peter Ndegwa, CEO: Safaricom “We are glad to be able to extend our services to Safaricom customers in a bid to make learning accessible to students from all backgrounds. By leveraging on Safaricom’s technology and platform and pairing it with our services, we will provide a solution that we hope will have a positive impact in Kenya.” Isaac Nyangolo, CEO: Zeraki Learning