2022 Sustainable Business Report

60 | SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2022 KPI SUMMARY OUR STAKEHOLDERS OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS INNOVATION AND PARTNERSHIPS EMBEDDING PURPOSE Embedding purpose lies at the heart of our business. We continued to collaborate both internally with the Customer Obsession team and with external partners to design, co-create and develop meaningful products and services that deliver social impact, unlock new opportunities and align with our priority SDGs. We have focused on building platforms that can enable multiple use cases, testing vertical products in select digital ecosystems, most notably health, education, agriculture and humanitarian solutions. This is underpinned by the various products in education and health which have contributed lessons learnt, together with insights that enable the broader strategies for these ecosystems and deliver sustainable mobile technology innovations. While our aim is to solve societal issues, we are always mindful that our solutions need to be commercially viable. Accordingly, we leverage digital marketing tools to reduce the cost of go-to-market activations. PARTNERING IN HEALTH SOLUTIONS The Kenyan Government’s Primary Care Strategic Framework 2019-2024 prioritises community-based primary health care. We have aligned with this vision through the following initiatives: • Medical records portability and enabling the health ecosystem during COVID-19 was a key interest area. This led us to develop Afya Moja , a medical records health portability platform, in a consortium partnership (with Savannah Informatics Ltd, Intellisoft Consulting Ltd). The service provides a continuum of care by creating the ability for patients to coordinate care across various health service providers. Afya Moja is a simple, mobile-based digital health passport that receives and securely stores patient information. The system allows users to access a copy of their own health data and share it with trusted healthcare providers. Doctors, upon consent, can act on the data and respond to patient needs. A total of 3 627 patients and 109 practitioners signed up during the pilot phase. • We piloted an AI symptom checker and telehealth service known as ‘Byon8’ in partnership with BYON8 AB. The service seeks to make high-quality healthcare more accessible, affordable and equal by digitalising healthcare on an individual level. There were over 60 consultations and over 10 000 downloads in the pilot period. • Building on experience gained through the provision of the COVID-19 helpline, we supported the 1195 gender-based violence (GBV) hotline by providing airtime for tele-counsellors to provide psychosocial support for GBV victims/survivors. We transform lives particularly in terms of healthcare (SDG3) and education (SDG 4). To do so, we co-create innovative solutions (SDG 9) by leveraging our expertise, technology, and partnerships (SDG17). OUR HIGHLIGHTS • Launched the ‘One Health’ Afya Moja initiative. • Zeraki Learning launched to complement Shupavu 291. • Piloted ‘Byon8’ an AI symptom checker and telehealth service in partnership with BYON8 AB. • Partnered with World Vision to enable fundraising of their Angaza programme through Bonga points. • Increased the number of connected schools in the Last Mile Connectivity Project for primary schools which accelerates digital learning. • Leveraged Agile methodology to deliver on our mandate.